Good type places to visit in Italy and Morocco?

Hi everyone,

I'm going to many cities in Italy and Morocco next year for 1 month,
Can anyone recommend: museums, libraries, ruins, type foundries, etc...?
I'm very much interested in type, print history, calligraphy, lettering, art & history in general.

Thank you!


  • Jeff Kellem
    Jeff Kellem Posts: 65
    edited June 2019
    In Italy, consider the Tipoteca working museum in Cornuda, Treviso. Their @tipotecaitaliana Instagram account shows some of their collection.
  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,447
    If you go to Florence, you may want to check out the Renaissance inscriptions on the choir lofts of Donatello and Luca della Robbia at the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, and perhaps track down the tomb inscriptions at Santa Croce that inspired Zapf to create Optima. 
    @Antonio Cavedoni would maybe be the best source to answer this question (especially about the modern and current scenes). 
  • Without any doubt the Typoteca museum, but let’s not forget the Museo Bodoniano: