Penrose Annuals for sale

A set of the Penrose Annual, volumes 48 (1954), 52 (1958), 61 (1968), 62 (1969), 65 (1972), and 66 (1973).

$120 US, delivery extra.

Duplicates from the Shinnstitute library that need a good home. A fair amount of content in these trade annuals concerns type, and of course they are nicely printed with all kinds of paper stock and special techniques (letterpress, spot colour, foil stamping, embossing etc.).

Here are some of the more type-relevant features, one from each annual:

1954. van Krimpen drawings for Spectrum

1958. Slogan typeface, trade ad, black with two spot colors

1968. Tschichold drawings for Sabon. Note unitization values and sidebearings.

1969. Optical letter spacing, David Kindersley

1972. Article on Henry van de Velde, notable for a reproduction (bottom right) of a setting using the 1926 Futura (with the 3-sides-of-a-square /n etc.)

1973. Ben Shahn article (left), Walter Tracy article (right)


I realize there is no “Items for Sale” page at Type Drawers, so I checked with a moderator to see if this post would be appropriate, and was given the go-ahead.



  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2018
    People should be jumping on this offer! The Penrose is really great, especially the era edited by Herbert Spencer (of Typographica fame), part of which is represented in this lot. The price is right, too. I’d snag these if I didn't already have them. 
  • This is a really terrific set and I'm definitely interested! How would you like to arrange payment, etc.?
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    Please check the message feature at Typedrawers.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    Or email me.