Looking for a professional type expert to help our company find the perfect fonts for our brand

Nate Smith
Nate Smith Posts: 2
edited October 2018 in Job Postings
Hey, TypeDrawers community! Our company Plato is interested in working with a professional type designer to help us select 1-2 fonts that pair perfectly with our new logo. We're also interested in developing a fully custom typeface as the second phase of this project so we'd be interested in connecting with folks who have experience with this as well.

If this sounds interesting to you please apply at https://www.useplato.com/jobs?gh_jid=4109379002&gh_src=c69214762



  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,351
    Hi Nate. It isn't clear from this post or from the link whether you are looking for an employee or to establish a working relationship with an independent type designer.
  • I am assuming it is very p/t for stage 1, and contract work for stage 2. The title of the job post does say “freelance,” although it isn’t mentioned in the body.
  • Hi John and Thomas, thanks for calling this out. We're looking to establish a working relationship with a freelance/independent type designer. 

    Hi Thomas, yes that's correct re: stage 1 and 2. Appreciate the feedback on the logo. We're quite happy with it but welcome any and all critique! Always striving to make every detail better:)

  • This might be a good choise...