Beta testers wanted for iOS kerning app

Hello all! I'm working on two new iOS apps: one is a vector path editor, probably more useful for people who are involved in lettering rather than font creation, but the other is probably more useful for font people.

It's an app which opens a UFO file and allows you to edit the kerning on your phones and iPads:

Before I put it live I would be very interested to get feedback from people who are likely to find it useful. If that's you, please send me a message here and I will add you to the beta testers list.

(I can also send you an invite for the Bezier editing one if you like, but I want to get the kerning app finished first.)


  • Does it support RTL kerning, or Arabic in general?
  • Simon Cozens
    Simon Cozens Posts: 764
    edited October 2018
    Good question! I don't know. I will have to try it. (And if it doesn't, that's a bug and I will have to fix it.)
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,351
    Is it possible to load and store lists of text strings and to cycle through them?
  • Simon Cozens
    Simon Cozens Posts: 764
    edited October 2018
    Yes, you can do that.

    Georg also suggest I add Glyphs file support so I am working on that.
  • Hrant Հրանդ Փափազեան Papazian
    edited October 2018
    Android and/or Windows version, please.
  • Does it handle classes? With exceptions?
  • AzizMostafa AzizAli
    AzizMostafa AzizAli Posts: 103
    edited October 2018
    Khaled Hosny: Does it support RTL kerning, or Arabic in general?
    Simon Cozens: ... I will have to try it. (And if it doesn't, that's a bug and I will have to fix it.)
    Hope you successfully try RTL kerning, swashing and across-up-down overlapping as elaborated in the attached QB-English.pdf.