Correct way to do uni01E5 (lc two storey 'g' with bar)

Vasil Stanev
Vasil Stanev Posts: 777
edited September 2018 in Technique and Theory
Hi everyone,

if your font has a two storey 'g', how do you add this glyph? Do you remodel the tail, or simply go for the one storey approach?



  • André G. Isaak
    André G. Isaak Posts: 636
    edited September 2018
    When faced with a question like this my approach would be to find examples of Skolt Saami texts.

    Unfortunately, due to the very small number of speakers, this will likely be difficult — a quick google image search for 'Skolt Saami language' came up with no useful results, but if you're willing to spend a bit more time on this you might come up with something.

    Of course, finding examples of printed Saami doesn’t guarantee that the letterforms represent the preferred Saami forms, especially if they are simply using existing pan-European fonts which were likely designed by someone who wasn’t a Saami speaker. Examples of hand-drawn signage might be the best source if you can find those.
  • Vasil Stanev
    Vasil Stanev Posts: 777
    edited September 2018
    You have given me the smartest approach!
    Wiki the letter > find which languages use it > google signages or use google maps. :)

    Wikipedia lists languages for every glyph but you have to go article by article to get the full picture. Has someone compiled an extensive list that helps you see everything at a glance?
    I used some resources but my faith in them got somewhat shattered since I got infromed that one of my fonts does not support Klingon.
  • Well, unless your font actually *does* support Klingon, you can't really fault whatever resource you're referring to for being wrong (although I’m a bit confused how they make this determination since unicode doesn’t (AFAIK) define a standard for Klingon).

    Regarding your actual question note that this approach is likely only going to work for characters used in a fairly limited number of languages.

    Many characters which are based on other latin characters with modifications were originally introduced by missionaries and/or anthropologists and/or linguists who made choices based on what could be easily produced on a typewriter by overstriking. But once an alphabet actually gets accepted by a community it will take on a life of its own and there's no guarantee that each language community will adopt the same preferred form.
  • notdef
    notdef Posts: 168
    I would love an opportunity to visit Neiden and dig up a representative set of handwritten/lettered samples of Skolt Sami. My visual resources are scarce, but in conversation with researchers and language speakers these solutions have been met positively.

  • Those are all insightful comments and I find Frode's the best of the best. image: save as :)
  • Jarno Lukkarila’s Alku fonts (first image, 3rd slide of the gif) commissioned by the Finnish ministry of education also contains the gstroke in the model letters taught to school children around here.
  • notdef
    notdef Posts: 168
    Also see Letterjuice’s Aanaar. From what I understand David Březina/Rosetta has done some character additions to Skolar for the University of Freiburg.
  • Bhikkhu Pesala
    Bhikkhu Pesala Posts: 210
    edited September 2018
    The method used by Brill is usually best, but it does not always work well. Below are examples from my Sukhumala and Mandala fonts.

  • @Bhikkhu Pesala  But these have the bar going through something other than the bottom, which is not the same.
  • André G. Isaak
    André G. Isaak Posts: 636
    edited September 2018
    I've seen examples where the bar goes through the top portion rather than the bottom portion, but in such cases it normally only goes through the right side.

    (I’m too lazy to hunt down an actual example — that's just minion with a endash superimposed).
  • When in doubt, check the Brill fonts 
    Thanks, Jens.

    God being in the details, here's an overlay of the Brill Bold /gbar/ glyph with the standard /g/ in the mask layer, showing the counter adjustments to provide a little extra white space around the bar.

  • Igor Freiberger
    Igor Freiberger Posts: 282
    edited September 2018
    This was discussed in Typophile in 2010 but unhappily the thread seems not to be available anymore. I was the one who was asking for critique and also input about a number of glyphs, especially those needed to support less known languages.

    To position the stroke at the bottom bowl was the solution I did adopt then. A number of better designers helped to establish the criterion:

    This sample also shows g with a stroke at the top bowl, which is a composite for Kadiwéu, a native South American language. This G is unencoded, but I include it and other "difficult" diacritical combinations as precomposed glyphs.

    I found an archived version of original thread: