What Font making software are you using?



  • How else could something that small sort glyphs?!
  • What are RoboFont users using to master fonts? Can you do it in RoboFont or are you using the FDK to create release versions of your RoboFont output?
    I've been using TTX to fine tune things.
  • Ramiro Espinoza
    Ramiro Espinoza Posts: 839
    edited April 2013
    Fontlab + Superpolator + UFOStretch + FontQA + Autopsy + TTX + KernMaster Beta2 + Some AFDK & a bunch of macros from many sources.
  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,946
    I hear most of the folks on the Adobe type team are using Robofont these days as their main editor.
  • Started with FontForge and now on Glyphs with RMX. Tempted to try Metrics Machine.