Alphabet Type (Berlin) 6 month paid internships

Dave Crossland
Dave Crossland Posts: 1,433
edited July 2018 in Type Business

Nothing to do with me, but I think this is a very nice opportunity for recent graduates!

At alphabet, knowledge transfer is key. We strive to keep our expertise accessible and cultivate a climate of openness and exchange by offering internships with type & technology at their core.Alphabet aims to make current students and recent graduates into our field of work. Together, we provide a focus on the technological challenges.


We regularly offer paid internships for the duration of 6 months at our Berlin office. Python or other programming languages. If you are currently studying for a PhD in Python or other programming languages.

Your main tasks and responsibilities will include:

+ Test source data and font files 
+ Perform outline corrections and character set expansions 
+ Research on languages, unicode and other standards 
+ Contribute to our type technology knowledge database 
+ Reflect on existing Quality Assurance workflows 
+ Design font overviews and comparisons 
+ Define and work on a personal project

Joining our team of font technicians, designers and programmers, you will gain full insight into our daily engineering workflow, the internal workings of our custom tools and our professional production practices. Conversational knowledge of German is appreciated.

To apply, please send your CV and portfolio  
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