Selling a super-family versus smaller, separate sub-families

Hi All,

I'm working on a family (42 fonts total) that will have text, display, and stencil styles. So 3 sub-families or collections.

Wondering: has anyone noticed a measurable advantage for selling something like this as one, large super-family offering (with buying options for sub-families)... or perhaps it's better to break them up and stagger them as separate releases?

Releasing it as a super-family seems that the incentive for a buyer would be that the overall price would be a little lower for all 3 families total. But at the same time, don't know if the higher, super-family price point might be a little daunting for some, and then perhaps the 3 separate sub-family releases (at a lower price point) would be more enticing?



  • Adam Ladd
    Adam Ladd Posts: 262
    @JoyceKetterer Truly appreciate your personal and business examples that you have shared here, Joyce. They really help.

    Yes, with the selling platforms I'm using, I can be flexible with the super vs. sub buying options; so no major concern.

    Thanks again, your advice does help bring clarity. Was just curious if a measurable advantage has been seen for one marketing strategy over the other, but the subs are meant to work together, so releasing them together makes sense.
  • @Adam Ladd  I can't say if there's a measurable advantage.  Freight was released so long ago,  and by a publisher not by us at that.  Even if I had data to compare the world has changed so much since then that I don't think it would allow reasonable conclusions.  

    As a general rule I think it's best to meet people where they are.  Why create the extra mental friction of displaying the family in a way that isn't intuitive to the viewer unless you really have to?  
  • Adam Ladd
    Adam Ladd Posts: 262
    @JoyceKetterer Agreed, thanks for the additional feedback :) Keeping it simple and clear is desirable.
  • Adam Ladd
    Adam Ladd Posts: 262
    Ha, yes, nice timing to further illustrate these points. A reminder to try to anticipate and clarify any points of confusion, but sometimes just not much you can do, like you said. Good for that customer though who discerned the differences.