Support svg as image format

At the moment, the supported image formats are gif, bmp, jpg, png and tiff. I would appreciate the possibility of adding svg images, too.


  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 1,991
    If you can’t upload SVG then Vanilla (the forum host/platform) probably doesn’t support it. Just attach a PDF to your post.
  • ... Just attach a PDF ...
    but for example, PDF don't support animations...
    @Linus Romer: You can insert SVG from own server by toggle HTML view and inserting
    <img alt="" src="">

  • Linus Romer
    Linus Romer Posts: 43
    edited March 2018
    @gluk Yes, your solution works! The problem is, that it relies on an external server where the svg files may die after some time (e.g. because the free host does not exist anymore).

    I have tried to attach an svg file to a comment and refer to that instant link, but I had to rename the extension to txt and then the image was not displayed. It may work, if svg files were allowed as attachment. This would be a valuable solution for me.

    The forum here indicates that a vanilla forum could be configured to support svg (as far as I understand).
  • @Linus Romer you're right. Btw. SVG format is poorly supported. Twitter, Facebook and many other portals don't allow to upload SVG. I basically do not know why...