What happened to our custom webfont?

I've noticed this for a couple of days now. Fake-bold Lucida Grande looks horrible.


  • Dyana Weissman
    Dyana Weissman Posts: 331
    edited January 2018
    That is unfortunate. However, I don't see any Lucida Grande. Let's narrow down what's causing the error. Do you mind posting a few screenshots? What OS/browser are you using?
  • Thierry Blancpain
    Thierry Blancpain Posts: 209
    edited January 2018
    Same here

  • Alright Sans used to be served via this file:

  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,724
    edited January 2018
    Here's what I'm seeing:

    This is in Safari 11.0.2 on macOS 10.13.2. The fake bold looks less bad in Chrome, but also seeing Lucida Grande there and in Firefox.
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 927
    I’m also seeing Lucida Grande (which is the last fallback in the font stack). Seems like the "Alright Sans from Webtype" is not being served right now for some reason. Maybe expired, like Florian suggests.
  • Thanks for posting those. That is frustrating. That's interesting that you see it in Chrome, too, which is what I'm using. 

    Either way @James Todd and @Tiffany Wardle have more powers than I do so let's make sure they see this. 
  • …I will also check with Webtype.
  • Here's Safari, followed by Chrome:

    The main difference seems to be how the fake bold is spaced, but they are both Lucida Grande.
  • Thanks. Webtype suggests it may be a cache issue. Do you wanna try clearing that and let me know if it works? 
  • That's funny. Without doing anything, it works on my desktop Mac again. My laptop was still affected, but emptying the cache fixed it. Thanks!
  • Seems like this needs to be done for each browser to fix them all. I guess something changed on the server end, leaving cached data invalid or something?
  • A hard reload (CMD + Shift + R) seemed to do the trick for me.
  • Must be something on the server. Maybe Vanilla was doing something. Glad to hear the cache clearing worked.
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 927
    Hmm. Didn’t work for me. Still seeing only Lucida after clearing browser cache.
  • Check out the CSS file I linked to above. It should reference the fonts, but apparently it keeps getting truncated after the introductory comment. It was incomplete for me the other day, a hard reload brought the full version, now it is incomplete again.
  • I've nudged Webtype again, and they are sending some self-hosted fonts to the Administrators. 
  • I still get Lucida Sans Unicode, too. Even after clearing cache. (latest Chrome on macOS 10.12.6)
  • I’ve been speaking with Vanilla about this and hope to have it resolved soon.
  • The caching data for the fonts has been reset on January 18th, looks like Webtype served a new CSS file from then on. Getting the proper webfonts here now. Anybody still getting Lucida?
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 927
    I’ve been seeing Alright Sans again now since yesterday morning.
  • Seems to be working okay for me the last day or two.
  • Looks good now.