New! Aloha Script and Aloha Casual

Charles Borges de Oliveira
edited March 2013 in Type Releases
Yeah, I finally finished my new fonts. Here is a couple samples I made showing how it could be used.
Have a great day!
imagephoto Tiki-5_zps726a4089.png" />image
photo Aloha-Script-sample-2_zpsdb411102.png
photo Sinatra-Microphones_zps394013b8.png


  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    7iki Sun?
    (Pardon the critique, but we’re taking advertisers to task today!)
  • Yeah the damn capital T that looks like a seven. There are some normal T's in there as well :)
  • 7iki :-) Good God Charles, what were you thinking of... spelling that wrong? I do not think Charles is an advertiser... he is just the proud papa of a nice, new font!
  • I like it and can foresee where it could be used in a lot of different types of ads. As for the "7iki", that thought never crossed my mind since I've seen the word before so it immediately resolved to "Tiki" for me. The T is fine.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    edited February 2013
    Yes, were it not for the “Promotion of new typefaces” thread, I doubt I would have examined this post quite so scrupulously and noticed the 7-T thingy. But aren’t you glad I did—it gives us something else to talk about rather than just compliment Chas on his handiwork, while legitimizing this blatant act of self promotion as “discussion”!
  • I thought there was a rule about promoting one's work here and looked for it the last time this happened but there doesn't appear to be a rule with wording that applies. Personally I could do without them because as Nick says, it's not exactly a discussion. It's James' call; it's his board.
  • Michael Clark
    Michael Clark Posts: 138
    edited February 2013
    Bet you were not this condescending to your wife on Valentine's Day, Nick!

    His name is Charles, not Chas. Don't care if it is an accepted abbreviation, especially in light of the fact that we are asking for real names of everyone.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    Mike, I mean Michael, or should I say typerror, my tongue is firmly in my cheek.
    My old lady appreciates the satire, 365, which is directed at the circumstances of the human condition (in this case the irony of promoting work to those who would never buy it, who respond with polite fawning), not against individual people.

    You have a good point, but I would say, are new showings just that, or are we grown up enough to critique the work of our peers and accept their criticism without animosity? Sure, no problem helping out the newbies, but…

  • Michael Clark
    Michael Clark Posts: 138
    edited February 2013
    This is a very valid point Nick. I work alone with no one to bounce things off of. My family rolls their eyes at what I do so I oft times yearn for peer review... and for the most part all I get is the client going "Can you join the doohickey with the top doohickey in that g." I think instead of animosity for some TypeDrawer's snide remark I am very capable of telling him to FO and not hold a grudge... OR make the necessary change.
  • It is a shame that I have travelled the world lecturing and have not yet been able to instill the joy I see in the alphabet in my family's minds.
  • Thanks Pablo. I appreciate the post!