URW is hiring a Senior Typeface Designer

Pria Ravichandran
edited October 2017 in Job Postings
URW is a technology-focused company with an extensive typeface library and a global network of clients. Now part of Global Graphics, a leader in digital and print document environments, we are expanding our design studio. We are looking for an experienced designer with excellent typeface design and font production skills to join our team in Hamburg, Germany. Working within a closely integrated team of around 10 people across design, engineering, marketing, and management, you will work on developing new projects as well as extending existing typefaces for a growing market. The role includes a contribution to the direction of the studio, with ample space and encouragement to develop your career. 

2-5 years of experience in the type industry
Excellent drawing skills
In-depth understanding of the technical side of font production
Ability to show initiative in problem-solving 
Design skills in Cyrillic, Greek, and non-Latin scripts
Excellent writing and presentation skills
Experience managing teams of designers
Very good collaboration and team-working skills
Knowledge of German is desirable

Take an active part in the development of the existing URW library and its migration into new formats 
Contribute to technical developments
Update and design new styles for existing typefaces    
Work on custom type projects for our corporate clients

Competitive salary
Potential for flexible working hours, subject to negotiations

This position is a full time job at our studio in Hamburg, Germany
To apply, please email rosenfeld@urwpp.de along with your portfolio and CV


  •  Indic ?
  • Pria Ravichandran
    edited October 2017
    Not so much the focus. However, you should apply.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Pria Ravichandran
    edited October 2017
    Hi James., Most of the skills mentioned such as excellent drawing skills, understanding of the technical side of font production, design skills in Cyrillic, Greek, and non-Latin scripts are partially developed during a masters program such as the ones at KABK or Reading. Education not being considered as a part of the experience, 2-5 years is a good period to further nurture them. We are expecting an understanding instead of expertise in each of them. Other skills are personality related. There are many designers who hold responsible positions with similar experience disposing their abilities to an awe inspiring standard. 
  • Hrant Հրանդ Փափազեան Papazian
    edited October 2017
    Most of the skills mentioned such as excellent drawing skills, understanding of the technical side of font production, design skills in Cyrillic, Greek, and non-Latin scripts are partially developed during a masters program such as the ones at KABK or Reading.
    I do value Reading, but being self-taught remains the "classical education" in typeface design...
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,351
    edited October 2017
    I do value Reading, but being self-taught remains the "classical education" in typeface design...
    I'd say being self-taught is actually a blip in the history of typeface design, mostly limited to some of us who got into it in the 1990s. If you look at the situation before that, you have more or less a craft tradition of people learning from the previous generation and people learning on the job at foundries, lettering studios, sign-painting shops, etc.. Between the collapse of the industries that maintained that model of learning and the advent of type design courses in an academic setting, a relatively small number of designers were substantially self-taught.
  • Hrant Հրանդ Փափազեան Papazian
    edited October 2017
    @John Hudson You're right about the past, but not the present, and I highly doubt the future. Self-education in type design is way more than a blip; only a minority get a formal education (or even much apprenticeship). Which doesn't at all mean the self-taught are not observing and learning; it just takes much longer to find a voice – your voice. And we should relish that, because mimicry and polish do not cultural progress mark. The thing is, to be candid, the larger the company the less likely they're looking for that...
  • EbenSorkin
    EbenSorkin Posts: 23
    edited October 2017
    I had recent experience of working with URW on the custom font made for the prominent tech company logo and branding effort. It was a great experience. I was very happy with the design itself in the end and also the design process we used but beyond that the other aspects of the project were also smooth and agreeable. I get a sense that new and good things are going to be coming from URW in the future and this position would be an opportunity to help ensure that's what happens. I also hope to be working with the person who takes this position in 2018.
  • Pria Ravichandran
    edited October 2017
    @Hrant H. Papazian As you can see the list of requirements does not stress on formal education. This is a simple job posting and I merely explained why I think the requirements are not too high an expectation for a designer with 2-5 years experience. I assure you that qualifications are not the basis of consideration at URW and if you wish to apply, we will be very happy to consider it.
  • @Ray Larabie Sorry, didn't mean to. I was just taking up a tangent of sorts spawned by others.
  • Thanks for the positive response. This position is now closed.