Weapon of choice



  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,349
    I've not tried that particular vertical mouse, but did use this Evoluent one for a while. I also tried the joystick-like 3M ergonomic mouse, but preferred the Evoluent one. Vertical mice are great for avoiding wrist problems — so much so that I wonder why all mice are not vertical —, but won't do much to help if you have rotator cuff or related shoulder problems.
  • Trying for years to use something else than the trackpad. Somehow I get irritated about lifting my hand from keyboard to mouse en vice versa. I use the arrows and keyboard a lot.
  • I had a huge decrease in back trouble after I got on Aeron chair at home. I actually have two now, one in my office and one in the dining room. Best equipment investment I've ever made. Before that I had occasional debilitating back issues. Not since!
  • I think we're all needing a minority report UI. 
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2017
    Thomas, I used to have a bloodletting problem at work from using an Xacto knife for years until 1987, then we bought a $2,000 Mac and my problems ended. Next year I bought one for home and have been blood free ever since ;-)
    PS. I love the Aaron chair, too ;-)
  • I think we're all needing a minority report UI. 

    Please, no. Tom Cruise reportedly had to take frequent breaks due to arm fatigue.
  • Indeed, touch-screen laptops are gimmicky enough.
  • After a little research, I believe that among vertical mice, this is both tied for the highest-rated, and one of the least expensive at $15: https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Ergonomic-Optical-Vertical-Buttons/dp/B00FPAVUHC 
    (also available in wireless variant for $20)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The Anker mouse is what I'm using now, after my cats knocked the expensive Evoluent off my desk one too many times. The Anker is slightly less comfortable (but still miles beyond a traditional mouse or trackpad) but also much more robust when it comes to the felines. Batteries on the wireless last a heck of a long time as well and it's got a decent range. If anyone is on the fence, I highly recommend.
  • Jess McCarty
    Jess McCarty Posts: 97
    edited October 2017
    Since we're touching on chairs too, this 1970s throwback kneeler looks ridiculous but almost immediately alleviates back pain due to posture issues. I started using it in June and don't think I could ever go back to an office chair again. I have two bum knees as well, and haven't experienced any pain or flare ups.

    If you struggle with slumping forward or rounded shoulders, give it a try: https://www.amazon.com/SLEEKFORM-Ergonomic-Kneeling-Adjustable-Office/dp/B01GF6D5T0

    I'd always wanted to try an Aeron, Thomas, but never could pull the trigger. In the long run it's cheaper than a chiropractor though! Glad to hear it's working for you!
  • My back problems solution for a simple office chair is to lower the seat to the minimum height. This naturally force an upright posture, most of the body's weight is pressed to the seat with no tension on the legs since they're bent comfortably. The center of the screen is just a bit below my eyes level so it is almost vertical.

  • The center of the screen is just a bit below my eyes level so it is almost vertical.

    Check back with us on how it's working out when you start wearing bifocals or trifocals.

  • Check back with us on how it's working out when you start wearing bifocals or trifocals.

    This might force you to straight up your back even more, with eyes levelled with the top of the screen.

  • I have progressive lenses. These are fine for working on my laptop by itself. But I switch to single-prescription glasses optimized for computer distance when I am doing serious computer use with my big screens.

    New mouse arrives tomorrow; I'll report back on how I find it after using it for a while.
  • Please, no. Tom Cruise reportedly had to take frequent breaks due to arm fatigue.
    Mark Simonson true! He's always been good with his own stunts.
    Regarding science fiction UI, I think we'll only be free with a Matrix like experience, where one thinks of a curve and it happens. Hopefully we won't have to connect a huge metal spear into our necks.
  • For anyone interested in a brand new Microsoft Intellimouse, Microsoft is releasing a slightly updated Intellimouse 3.0, it's called the Classic Intellimouse.
  • Although the Anker vertical mouse may be great for some folks, it is not for me. Maybe a different model would be better... or maybe not. Some of the issues seem to be more general, some specific to this model.

    If somebody wants me to bring it to an event, I'm happy to give it away in exchange for a drink or a good coffee.  :)  Maybe I'll give it one more try before then, but I'm not optimistic.

    What I found was that with a normal mouse, gravity helps you with clicking the button. The mouse doesn't try to move away. With this vertical mouse, the mouse wants to move sideways when you click, because, well, you're clicking sideways! (Probably also why the mouse is so heavy, but that's still not enough.) So I have to exert extra pressure with my thumb to hold it steady, while clicking.

    Less pressure to do a click would help.

    Also, with my old MS mouse button, the whole button area depresses. Thus I can exert pressure from about half my finger, getting more weight of the whole finger into it. With this mouse, the button clicks from the far end of the button only. So I *must* click with more of the tip of my finger. This requires more effort, requires resistance from the end of my thumb, and overall involves a lot more muscle tension and tenses up a tendon I normally don't noticeably use at all with my mouse.

    So, while the initial hand position may be slightly more natural and relaxed, I basically gave up on this device after less than a day as exhausting to use.

    I suspect a different model might be better, but I also see that the "fighting against sideways pressure" might be hard to avoid.  https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Ergonomic-Optical-Vertical-Buttons/dp/B00FPAVUHC  

  • Thomas Phinney, I feel there are two main things to have in consideration when dealing with tendonitis:
    One is the posture of your hand, arm, shoulders and body. The Anker vertical mouse seems to correct any of these bad postures.
    The other thing is repetitive movement like clicking or scrolling. Which I feel is very hard to solve or escape from, unless you use a tablet.
    Which do you feel is worst or affects you the most? Have you tried a pen and a tablet?
  • BTW a common ergonomics misconception is since our fingers are rounded concave touch or grip areas will be more comfortable since it follows the rounded topography of the fingers, exactly the opposite is true.

    Our hands has developed/designed to grip sticks, stones and varied shaped objects. And there's simple physics...

  • Ofir Shavit
    Ofir Shavit Posts: 397
    edited October 2017
    In mice for example, even though the left one is much newer it is much less comfortable to work with than the right one.

  • Paul Miller
    Paul Miller Posts: 273
    I once had a mouse which was superb.

    It was a brand name I've never heard of and it was very cheap and made in China.  It had a wheel and forward and back buttons as well as the left and right buttons.  It was big and hand shaped (shaped to fit your hand when placed over the mouse with groves for your ring finger and pinky).  It was very comfortable to use, but it only lasted a couple of years and I have never seen a mouse like it since.

    Oh well ...

    I have found a mouse which has almost the exact same size and shape as that old chinese mouse.  It is a Trust Gaming mouse, the only difference is that this one has more buttons and they are programmable, also this has a different textured surface.

    Once I had tried it out I bought another one (one for the desktop one for the laptop) and I will probably buy a spare for when one of these goes wrong.

    Anyone want an old Logitec gaming mouse, I have one that just retired !  :D
  • Logitech for life! These things last at least 10 years of heavy usage.
    +++ I replaced my Logitech with a similar style of another brand and went out and bough another Logitech really soon. The key for me was learning to let go between clicks. I had a real death grip going. When I loosened up, and learned to take little breaks, pain got better. Also, this-

    Jameson R Spires said:
    a Microsoft Natural 4000 Keyboard. 

    When I switched to this keyboard, it helped my wrist health. I also used those gel pad wrist rests at work. I was the only one who liked them, so I had a whole office worth of them to switch through when they got ganky.
  • I use my MacBook track pad almost exclusively, though I've been trying to get more used to using my Wacom tablet. I find the track pad is very stress free to use and - Hey, It's right there as soon as I open the MacBook. For sitting I use a kneeling chair. I've been trying get in the habit of sitting up straight and most office chairs seem to lead to slouching.  And - since we've renovated our kitchen and installed a breakfast bar, I like to stand there and work when I don't need to be working on my larger screen. For lighting, I recently got an LED task light and I hate it. I feel like it's missing a significant portion of the visible spectrum. The light seems grey. Bright grey and cheerless. (Argh. Am I ranting about it again?)

  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,450
    Yeah, LED task lighting isn't always a good thing. I'm thinking of a setup more like the Police - Wrapped Around Your Finger video.

  • I’d be curious to know how the Wacom users in this thread have been getting along with the newer tablets, drivers and OSs. I used an Intuous 3 for almost 10 years but had to stop around OS 10.10 (i think?) as it was no longer supported. Since then I’ve unsuccessfully used the new Intuos Pro on various retina screens (it does matter. On a standard screen it’s stable). On a retina screen It’s just way too jumpy and fast or just plain slow depending on the setting. This of course assumes the tablet is used in mouse mode.

    But I’ll try anything, so currently I’m messing around with the Contour Design RollerMouse Red Plus, the Elecom HUGE trackball, the Magic Trackpad 2 and the good old Kensington Trackball.

  • I've used a Wacom tablet in lieu of a mouse since 1997 and I love it! I don't do any drawing or lettering with it, however.