There's two variants of old cursive/script lowercase d – rules on usage?

Eimantas Paškonis
Eimantas Paškonis Posts: 91
edited June 2017 in History of Typography

A document from 1918. Beginnings of words have traditional /d, while in the middles there's oldstyle version. Seemed like a rule until I found this:

Mistake or exception?
Another question: how would d_d pair would look like? Both oldstyle?


  • If is is a rule, then is is at the begging of a word-piece (Wortstam in German) or kind of syllable. Mostly if you could hyphenate before the 'd', you would us the 'modern' style. This is the same as with the long 's'.
  • There is no rule.

    > What about d_d?
    You decide.
    But I’d say there is not much reason for a dd ligature.
  • Not much reason for ligature, but in the d_d pair should both letters be the same style? Which one? If not, which is which?
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,244
    The ‘d’ without downstroke simply lends itself more to being used at the end of words, where it can end in a fancy loop. 

    From the Willi Busch graphic novel Drei Märchen (1895).