TYPE "A Magazine for People Curious About Fonts"

I'm excited to announce that Roger Black and I have launched a website/blog for our new publication "TYPE."


This website is just the beginning of our plans. From our "About" page:

TYPE is a quarterly print magazine and website that exists to inform and delight with stories from the world of typography and design. TYPE is a new publication for people who love fonts, typography, calligraphy, lettering, sign painting—letterforms of all kinds.

Our focus is on the people behind the letterforms. We’ll tell their stories, and have some fun along the way. We are as enthralled by the future of typography as we are of the past. TYPE will talk about current trends, best practices, and the inspirational past with wit, charm, and a bit of a critical eye.

This website will be updated daily and the first, printed issue of TYPE will be released in Spring 2017.


I'm sure some are asking: "What happened to 'Typographics' that Roger announced back in June 2016?" and TYPE is what "Typographics" has become. We decided to change the name to make it more inclusive and to clear up any confusion between the conference (which we still support) and the magazine. 

Part of what makes TYPE unique is that we are completely independent of any foundry, organization, conference, or school. This independence means that we can write about type and design without any conflicts of interest or need to lean towards a specific line of thought. Of course, we will have sponsors and advertisers but no one controls the editorial content.


Our goal with TYPE is to make a magazine about the people in the type community but not get lost in the "type-nerd" world too much. We want our audience to not only be type-nerds but also people that use type and want to learn more such as graphic designers and web designers. So, less technical manual and more personal stories.

Of course, knowing the TypeDrawers community, I'm sure we won't be in-depth enough for some of you but I hope you take a look at our website and sign up for a free copy of the first printed issue. If you have something that you would like to share (an upcoming release, designers using type in a unique way, etc.) feel free to send me a message at: doug@typemag.org


  • Good luck with it!
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    Nice work Doug! I will keep you informed of my new designs.

    FWIW, the type community is not “nerds”. Although there is an important technical aspect to typography, it is just as much a craft, informed by strong cultural and artistic qualities, associations and traditions—calligraphy and nostalgia (aka design history), for instance.

    But you already recognize this, having gone beyond personal story as the preferred antidote to technical manual, to include items about old Swiss travel posters and the New Yorker. I like that mix!

  • Are the people who signed up last summer for the preview issue of 'Typographics Magazine' still signed up to get this? Or would they need to sign up anew?
  • Are the people who signed up last summer for the preview issue of 'Typographics Magazine' still signed up to get this? Or would they need to sign up anew?
    You would be surprised how complicated my answer to this question would be -- it's a long story.

    To be safe, I would suggest signing up at our new site.
  • John, life is a process of investigation and choice. Your design identity is something you will discover and rediscover for yourself, if you allow yourself to be open to change. :)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Is it tactless to ask how much the subscription rate is going to be?

  • Great stuff, curious about future posts! I know it's very 2000, but might I suggest you add the RSS link for the blog posts someplace visible? :)
  • Presuming there is an electronic edition as well as print, will it be possible to get digital-only subscription? Asking on behalf of my bookshelves.
    We have not discussed it, but will bring it up. I'm personally of two minds about it as I also have bookshelves overflowing but there is something I truly love about a physical, printed thing.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,005
    Presuming there is an electronic edition as well as print, will it be possible to get digital-only subscription? Asking on behalf of my bookshelves.
    I’m more likely to buy a high-res searchable PDF than a printed edition. I like having access to design magazines for research later. But I don’t want to end up with a wall of back issues, so I rarely buy design magazines.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    I like both if the magazine is beautiful and informative.  One to search and one to touch--maybe it is the geezer in me ;-)