Weird Naming Glitch

After finishing a bold version of a font I noticed this. In windows 7 the font name inside of the fonts folder does this:
Install Regular version and the name looks normal:
Name Name Name
Install Bold version and the name looks like:
Name Name Bold Name
It's splitting the name up and the Bold is going into the middle of the name. When selecting in notepad the bold version says:
Name Name - Bold Name
I've checked the fontlab file and it's all correct. Thanks for any help.


  • Actually, I just noticed both versions are doing the same thing. It's using part of the name as regular. I've never seen this.
  • Hmm, using the term cursive in a font name causing the glitch? I just renamed it, replacing cursive with another name and that fixed it.
  • Just tested it in Windows 10, the same glitch.
  • I'm not really understanding, perhaps because "Name Name Name" doesn't mean anything to me. Can you provide a screen shot or explain more?
  • Or use actual names. I don't understand why your name would repeat three times and that would be a good and desirable thing.  :)
  • "Said In Cursive" was the name I was using. My guess is that it was using the term cursive as a style. "Said In" was how the font was showing up in the menu and then the styles were Cursive and Cursive Bold. I removed the word cursive from the name and it fixed the problem. I tested a few fonts using cursive in the name and they all did the same thing. Switch cursive to something else and it fixes the problem.
  • "Said In Cursive" was the name I was using. My guess is that it was using the term cursive as a style. "Said In" was how the font was showing up in the menu and then the styles were Cursive and Cursive Bold. I removed the word cursive from the name and it fixed the problem. I tested a few fonts using cursive in the name and they all did the same thing. Switch cursive to something else and it fixes the problem.
  • Jess Latham
    Jess Latham Posts: 43
    edited January 2017
    The first example shows the name change that fixes the problem. The second example shows how cursive in the name corrupts the names and styles.
  • The names show up correctly in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. This is only happening inside the fonts folder and in Notepad.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,450
    That is wild. I wonder what other names are problematic.
  • OK, yes, I suspect that "Cursive" caused the problem. As you theorize, it is probably getting picked as a style name... by some things, anyway.
  • This is, indeed, related to the use of "Cursive" as part of a family name: the system is interpreting "Cursive" as a style descriptor. This logic dates to the introduction of WPF in the .Net framework; it was later added in parts of Windows that affect the Fonts CPL and the CHOOSEFONT common dialog. For background, see this:

    The algorithm was designed to work around things that existing fonts were doing, particularly in name IDs 1 and 2, but also in other fields.

    Try adding name ID 16 = "Sign In Cursive" and setting OS/2.fsSelection bit 8, and is if that resolves the issue.