Donate to TypeDrawers (2017 Edition)

In the words of Stephen Coles: “TypeDrawers is an independent forum run by Tiffany Wardle de Sousa and James Todd. This site is not sponsored by any commercial entity. Participation is absolutely free, but members are welcome to contribute to the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the site. There is no prescribed fee — just give what you feel TypeDrawers is worth to you.”

Donations can be made through Paypal or, if you’re based in the US, we suggest making them through Square. Thank you all for helping to make TypeDrawers what it is!


  • Done.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
  • Done. Thanks for the good work.
  • Happy to donate a bit @James Todd, but is there any kind of budget / summary of the cost structure to run the forum? How much you hope to raise? How much was raised last year, and how much you covered personally because we raised too little? (if that was the case).
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,006
    edited December 2016
    I'll leave it to James to disclose budget and goals about the upcoming year, but the money raised in 2014–15 was almost exactly the amount needed to cover 27 months of forum service fees (the period of my ownership). Those funds run out this month. I don't think anyone is under the illusion that TD is a profit-making enterprise, but I hope James and Tiffany can raise a bit more than we did last time so there is a bit of compensation for their time.
  • I guess James and Tiffany didn’t get the emails I did from the guy offering fifty dollars to place bespoke content related to an upcoming Hermann Zapf feature in a computer magazine.

    That is not a joke.
  • @James Todd Thank you for the explanation! I hope you didn’t take my post as an attack — I think some level of openness about the cost involved should help raise funds. Thank you!
  • @Thierry Blancpain Not a problem. I definitely didn’t take it as an attack.
  • Done.
  • Done, thank you!
  • Done. Thanks so much, Tiffany, James, and team, for all you do.
  • Done, thanks!
  • Thanks Gang! Donated!
  • Done. I agree with @Thierry Blancpain that if typedrawers is to be dependent on donations, then openness about the budget and how it is spent would be nice.
  • Done - thanks and all the best
  • Done; thanks for keeping it going!
  • Done did the thing.
  • My donation is done too. Keep going.
  • Any way to set up the PP donation as a recurring monthly payment, as Stephen had done?
  • Hello, it's been quite a while. Best wishes for 2017 to all. I haven't been frequenting this place a lot but I really appreciate the information gathered here and the support when working on a typeface. Good luck!
  • Any way to set up the PP donation as a recurring monthly payment, as Stephen had done?
    We will look into that and get back to you. Thank you for asking.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,188
    Tax time: Could you please provide an address for “JTD LLC” or whatever, so that Typedrawers can be presented as a substantial entity that I can write off as a convincing business expense? 
  • I second Nick's request. Setting it up as a potentially deductible expense would encourage much greater generosity. ALSO: It was only by accident that I noticed this announcement. Generally, those things in gray at the top of the discussion list are very old and I tend to ignore them, as I'm sure others do, too. You might want to reiterate your request as a general posting or in some other, more noticeable way.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    An annual email before the holidays would be good.
  • Sorry, I was out of reach last week. Here’s the address: JTD LLC, 16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, De 19958.
  • I'm tight right now but I'll give in February. In the meantime, I'm posting about the fund drive on FontFriday's Facebook page. 
    Thanks for your efforts!
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,188
    Thanks, James.
  • Done
  • Is there a way that it could be done from Iran? We don't have credit cards and PayPal,... because of the US sanctions  <3
This discussion has been closed.