Dates foundries joined ATF.

I know there’s a book that lists the years different foundries were absorbed into ATF. But I cannot remember which one and I’m not having any luck on my shelves. Does anybody happen to remember which book contains this list?


  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2016
    I am sure the dates are documented in each profile within Annenberg’s Type Foundries of America and their Catalogs, but I don't see a single list in the book. The best online source I know for this info is MacMillan’s Circuitous Root. Additional notes from Paul Shaw.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2016
    Alaistair Johnson’s Alphabets to Order has a timeline with some ATF acquisition dates. That may be the one you’re thinking of.
  • Thanks, Stewf!
  • I’m specifically trying to get a date for Damon Type Foundry (AKA Damon and Peets). Circuitous Root refers to Damon ending ca. 1929, but I can’t find any other information about it. 
  • Annenberg, page 127, says they began in 1868 as strictly a sales organization until 1896 when they opened their own foundry. They were never a member of ATF and shut down in 1929.
  • Consuegra lists them as a foundry absorbed by ATF (American Type Design and Designers, p. 263). I don’t think anyone else does. He have have listed them in error. It does seem likely that Damon would have been absorbed by ATF since Damon’s types were almost all pirated ATF designs.
  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,946
    edited November 2016
    Could be a mistake.

    Consuegra also says Pacific States Typefoundry joined ATF. But Maurice Annenberg in Type Foundries of America and Their Catalogs (1994, Oak Knoll) contradicts this, saying they never joined ATF.
  • What does Consuegra list as sources for his info?
  • He doesn't have specific citations. There's a two-page bibliography at ~ the end of the book.