What do you love to draw?

So: now we know that not everybody loves drawing ampersands and that practically nobody likes drawing Xs and Ks. So, what do you love to draw? Myself, I love ampersands, as mentioned, but my favorite glyph is the a. It's usually not easy, but to me it's the soul of the typeface, and once I know how to draw it (or think I do), I feel like getting the rest right is just a matter of time.



  • /g/ by far. I like /a/ too.
  • Like you, Max, /a. And /e, as their relationship pretty much defines the typeface.
  • /a/ /e/ /t/ /R/ /s/ /S/
  • /a/ and /g/ are by far my favorites. Though /f/ gets an honorable mention.
  • I have the most fun drawing /a/ and /g/, but to satisfy impatience /n/ is my favourite starting letter so I can write "minimum" quickly.
  • I seem to always tackle these six key letters first:
    They pretty much define the look of the overall design and I always tackle the heaviest weight first. If I can get the counters and design elements to work in the heaviest weights, the rest is easy.
    But, my favorite glyph(s) are the /S/s/ and numeral /8/.
    The /a/ & /g/ are definitely the two most important glyphs which allow you to distinguish your design from other similar fonts and give your design a unique and distinct personality.
    I hate doing the /v/w/x/y/z/, and I don't know why. I always leave them for last and I usually keep changing and fussing over them until the very end. Go figure?
  • My favourites are probably /a/ and /g/, but I love getting /r/ and /t/ right, and making the /G/ and /Q/ work.
  • Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer
    edited November 2012
    Am I the only one who loves s and p? g is fun too.

    Edit: overlooked Alex's confession of love for s. There's two of us :-)
  • @mekkablue I like /s/, too. But it's never occurred to me to draw /p/ before /b/.
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  • @mekkablue With calligraphy practice I draw /s/s very often for the fun of the movement, but drawing the outlines take me longer than usual, feeling insecure without having run the outlines through RMX after every modification.
  • I always start to draw the | I and oO| on screen. Once the |S| drawn I draw the |&| one of my favorites. However, the first letter I sketch with pencil is the |a|.
  • […] my favorite glyph of all time is the "Big Yus"
    I had to look this up. At first I thought it was an outtake from On Beyond Zebra. But then I realized it was an old Space Invader trying a second career.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,247
    I like to make the ogonek characters.
    It doesn’t involve any deep design, and it’s satisfying to merge the components and make any slight adjustments that are necessary.
  • I have a love/hate relationship with the /R
    You have a straight stem, a curved one and the diagonal. All 3 strokes meets in the same glyphs.
  • Currency sybols. The new rupee is a lot of fun, although I still think its going to be a problem in heavy and condensed fonts at small sizes.