Kindle Kids' Book Creator

I've got a customer asking if an e-book license is required for publishing a book using Kindle Kids' Book Creator. I was unable to determine from their documentation if the fonts are embedded in e-book formats or if they're rendered images or vectors. I've seen lots of picture books on Kindle where the fonts weren't embedded so I think they're probably not embedded. Does anyone know anything about this system?

Kindle Kids' Book Creator
Kindle Kids' Book Creator PDF manual


  • As far as I can tell ebooks still haven't really settled on a method of construction.  Often we can cover them with a .pdf embedding license but not always.  
  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 243
    Like we do with print, outlining it would be the ideal way to go. Embedding sometimes just acts weird at times, it renders weirdly sometimes like I've seen some weird things PDF does even if you did this right in acrobat. Outlining it not only just works outta the box but they may not have to get a separate license then to embed? So win win. 
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,446
    Maybe their tool embed fonts. Check out these forum discussions:

    Embedding fonts into KF8 book?
    Font embed list isn't displaying the correct options
    Embedding Fonts
    InDesign Plugin doesn't display images the correct size

    From reading more of the forum it seems like the Kindle Kids' Book Creator application has an option to embed fonts and maybe the user is prompted during the publishing process. It doesn't seem like it's a option that can be chosen during the creation process.

  • In most modern ebook formats, if the fonts are embedded, they are embedded as fonts, not images. It is similar to web font embedding in that the text can reflow depending on zoom and device screen size.

    The KF8 format does support bitmap-based image-fonts, but it is a bit of a hack, intended for quick and dirty republishing of old print books. Not a sane route for embedding digital fonts when publishing new material in modern workflows.
  • KP Mawhood
    KP Mawhood Posts: 296
    Looks like embedding to me…

    Kindle Kids' Book Creator Documentation

    2.6.9 Adding a Font
    All of the embedded fonts contained in your kids' book appear on the Text Toolbar. To add an additional embedded font, select Tools > Add Font. Accepted file types are .ttf and .otf. The newly added font name appears in the Text Toolbar.

    and also…

    1.1 Supported Page Formats
    You can add pages to your book from a PDF file or by converting images. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator accepts single or multi-page source files in .pdf, .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff, .ppm, or .png formats.