FontLoad Update

The latest version of FontLoad our font activation program is now available. It's a simple and practical way to activate fonts on your system. Ideal for font developers.... and it's free! Available for MacOS and Windows systems.


  • Looks nice.  Does this clear font caches when you delete fonts?
  • No it does not Max, but we could look to include this function in a later version.

    FontNuke is still the my program of choice for clearing the MacOS font cache. For Windows I usually delete C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT and restart.

    It would be interesting to know if people here use other methods to clear font caches.

  • I copy/delete fonts manually (in my /user/library/font folder) and never had any cache problem
  • I don't think FontNuke works w/ the latest OSs, Malcolm.  It was my program of choice, too, but I've stopped using it.

    It would be wonderful if FontLoad cleared caches.  Without that function, I'm not sure it's much good to me.

    Pablo, I copy/delete fonts manually to & from /user/library/font folder.  And I got plenty of cache problems.  You must be living right.
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  • Thanks, James. Good to know.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,247
    What Pablo said.