Font without a counter-/counting pixel

A potential client is requesting one of my old fonts “without a counter-/counting pixel”. As I have grown quite rusty with font-making, I was wondering what this means exactly, and what software is capable of making such kind of font?

Any help will be very much appreciated! Thanks!


  • Florian Hardwig
    Florian Hardwig Posts: 278
    edited March 2016
    This sounds as if it is not about type design/font engineering, but rather about webfont hosting. Some providers require a counting mechanism (typically a script rather than a pixel*), to keep track of the licensed pageviews. Your client seems to want a webfont with unlimited pageviews, and/or no external reporting on the visitor statistics.
    *See also
  • Thanks so much for this, Florian!
  • Is anyone requiring this with their self-hosted webfonts?