Reverse + Regular Italics [at the same time]

Hi all,

At Face Forward I saw Jo De Baerdemaeker’s excellent presentation on reverse italics, during which he showed a slide containing an example of a cross between a regular and a reverse italic at once, seen in the image below. 

I realised also that the amazing Pyte Foundry most recent release, Kink A, follows a similar
, albeit opposite(?), style. I was wondering where I could find more information about this type of italic and figured this would be the place to ask. Does anyone have any more examples or knowledge on the subject?



  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,247
    “Two-line English Zig-Zag (Figgins, 1845)”
    XIXth Century Ornamented Types…, Nicolette Gray

    But the example she shows is bent the other way (i.e. backslant on top).