Passing the Torch

Stephen Coles
Stephen Coles Posts: 1,006
edited December 2015 in TypeDrawers Announcements
Hi, TypeDrawers! For various reasons, it’s time for me to turn over the stewardship of this site to someone new. I can't devote the time to it that it deserves, and I think I've taken it as far as I can. Fortunately, I can immediately announce successors who have the personalities, skills, and backgrounds to maintain TD and push it further.

I am pleased to announce that Tiffany Wardle de Sousa will share ownership and administration with James Todd

Tiffany is a typographer and educator who has been involved in the type community for more than a decade. She has been a member of the SOTA Board, an independent consultant for various companies in the industry, and she served for many years in a moderation role at Typophile.

James has been a TypeDrawers member and Moderator since its very beginning.

I feel confident that this combination of perspectives from inside and outside the current TypeDrawers administration is ideal for the forum’s next chapter. You are welcome to post any questions about the transition below. Here is the basic plan:
  • James and Tiffany will have administration access to the forum in about 24 hours.
  • I will transfer domain ownership to Tiffany within the week.
  • I will continue to use the remaining donation funds to pay for the forum service costs. I project that these will pay for our current plan until the end of 2016. The new administration can decide when and how to raise funds at that point (or preferably before).
  • Tiffany shall replace my seat on the Moderation committee. The other members of the team will remain in place.
It’s been an honor to hold these keys for a year or so. Thanks for your patience and support.


  • Thanks for your hard work, Stewf. And congrats to the new team.
  • Thanks all for what you've done/will do to keep this place going!
  • Thanks so much for everything, Stephen.  It looks like you've left us in good hands.
  • Thank you Stephen, for all your efforts. And I’m happy to hear about the new owners.
  • Dear Stephen, thank you for keeping us connected. Welcome to the new crew.
  • Congratulations Tiffany and James. Thank you Stephen.
  • Thanks, Stephen. TypeDrawers was always a good idea, but with the demise of Typophile it became the only game in town. If you hadn't kept it alive in the meantime... dang, I dunno what! Much appreciated.

    Thanks also to Tiffany and James! That's fabulous.  :)
  • Thanks, Stephen! And congratulations to Tiffany and James!
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,425
    Thanks for all the elbow grease, Stephen.
  • Thanks Stephen. And congrats to Tiffany and James. 
  • Thank you for your time and effort to make this forum run smoothly Stephen! 

    Tiffany and James, thanks for stepping up!! I'm looking forward to 2016 and beyond :)
  • it's a great forum, and anyone not here is seriously missing out on valuable knowledge and perspectives. Thank you Stephen for making it this great, and thank you Tiffany and James for helping to continue the valuable service.
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 927
    Thanks, Stewf, for picking up where James [Puckett] left off and keeping things running smoothly.

    Thanks, Tiffany and James, for taking the baton for the next leg.

    (I’m especially pleased to see TypeGirl getting back into circulation! ;-)
  • Thanks to all three for your effort!
  • Robin Mientjes
    Robin Mientjes Posts: 132
    edited November 2015
    This is great news! Thanks, Stephen, for your Stewfwardship, if you will, and stick around why don’tcha.
  • Hey, great news. Thanks & congrats all.
  • Thanks a lot Stephen for the care and hard work, Welcome and good luck to the new team!!
  • A labor of love of the type community, mostly, I'm sure. Thanks. 
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,188
    Nicely done, Stephen.
  • Stephen, thank you so much for your time and devotion to TypeDrawers and to the type community in general. And welcome, Tiffany and James!!! Two exceptional people to steer the ship, thanks for stepping up to do this :)
  • Thanks for all your hard work and caring about the community, Stephen. If you had to let it go, I am happy to see you turning it over to two such fine people. Best of luck to dear Tiff and James!
  • Thanks Stephen!
  • Thanks Stephen! Your time & energy here have made this forum something truly wonderful. I'm sad to see you go but seconding Tamye - if you have to turn it over, Tiffany & James are just the folks. Thanks to you two for stepping up & writing the next chapter!
  • Just catching up, congrats on a job well done Stewf, and welcome Tiffany & James :-D