New Channel 4 Identity

Those of you in the UK will probably have seen this already. What do you think of the Channel 4 rebrand?  (

More specifically the new typefaces by Brody Associates:


  • Evie S.
    Evie S. Posts: 74
    edited October 2015
    For goodness sake's! I need eye wash after that. That display type is fugly as heck, pardon my language. I'm willing to bet that someone got drunk to heck and started the display version.
  • The hope seems to be that random tweaks make you hip and interesting, but the result looks noughties corporate, at least to me. There doesn't seem to be a unifying idea or animating spirit.  I'd expect better from Brody.

    The blocks are a lot of fun, though.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    Brody did not do the quirks.
  • Wow. At first I thought it was a joke. Which I guess it is, just not an intentional one.
  • I guess if people are talking about it, then at a certain level it's doing it's job.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    I think it's cool.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    edited October 2015
    I would have to see the typeface in the use for which it’s intended, for a while.
    And be living in the UK and familiar with the TV channels there.
    Otherwise, it’s hard to know how well it functions.

  • Brody did not do the quirks.

    The typeface is credited to his firm. What makes you say he wasn't responsible?

  • Huw Williams
    Huw Williams Posts: 1
    edited October 2015
    I think taken in isolation the typefaces, the stings, and the main idents are quite remarkable. And they have a very high production value. I wouldn't expect anything less given channel 4's creative prowess (More 4, Film 4 and 4seven all have stunning identities beyond anything you would expect from a TV channel).  

    But watching it in use, the constant change in themes, colours and idents, all seem very disjointed to me, something you don't find in their other channels which work brilliantly in isolation and part of channel 4's main brand. But like everything new, im sure it will grow on me.  

    As for the quirky, angular typeface, it looks like their logo has thrown up on it. Though i do like the varying finals on the c/ and s/.      

  • I still haven't got over the new Google logo, and now this....
  • Love it!
  • Happy to see it polarising opinion!

    Just for the record re James Puckett's link, Chadwick, the type out of which the display weight is based, is not a retail font. I have a stack of print outs that testify to that.

    I would agree that in isolation it can feel a bit awkward, disjointed, uncomfortable. To put taste/aesthetics aside a second, in Neville's own words it's meant to be 'disruptive'. I have to say in my opinion 4Creative are using it very well in campaign material. I like that it's a (quote marks) real display font that genuinely relates to the (more quote marks) info weight - not just a size adjusted version. It's bold if not to everyone's taste. 
  • It seemed a little awkward to me on first glance – however I've seen it out and about and I'm enjoying the application of it.

    It seems like a good match for Channel 4, and it'll be interesting to see how it ages.