Freitag — toying around with a geometric display sans



  • I'm not sure whether a symmetric /Dzhe-cy would make sense in the context of the Titling cut, since it embraces handwriting-style letterforms, and handwritten /dzhe-cy is based on the handwritten /u shape as far as I can tell. It might also look too much like /Ustrait-cy or even /U-cy if it were symmetric. The regular cut of Quinoa has a symmetric (and angular) /Dzhe-cy, of course.

    As for /dje-cy, I'm not sure what you mean... would you make it more circular? I don't know enough about the letter to know how far I'm allowed to tweak it. I do like its current shape, as it happens.
  • /dje-cy could have a straight descender with a /j-like bend at the bottom.
  • Thanks, that works out well!

  • My Latin /S was too open to serve as an Armenian /Տ, so I drew a more closed version. I love that new shape, but I think I can't promote it to become the new /S, since it doesn't fit as well with the other Latin caps, especially the /C...  I guess I'll just have to start a new Latin font to accommodate that /S.  :)

    (Bottom is the Armenian /Տ)
  • I tested a free style once and a lot people downloaded it. But none of them later bought something.
  • The thing is, that "R" makes me think the "S" doesn't care what the "C" thinks anyway...

    To put it another way: this typeface might be more flamboyant than you may be allowing it to be.
  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited June 2016
    I don't think the /R has any say in what either /S or /C look like in most typefaces... and I rather feel that my typeface started out too flamboyant; when I started adding the more well-behaved alternates, I felt the whole family become more and more usable.
  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited June 2016
    Alright! After a few intense iterations with Hrant's consulting, the Armenian is finally in shape for shipping. :grimace: Phew!

    I'm only waiting for the new Glyphs version with the kerning bug fix to come out now...

    (BTW, the collision between լխ up there wouldn't occur naturally, since there's a contextual alternate for that. The screenshots were taken from within Glyphs without contextual alternates activated.)

  • Discount is up, but the description text looks messed up in some browsers. Apparently the Wikipedia-style formating didn't survive the ingestion process. Correction's been made, but it takes hours for the servers to refresh. I'll wait until then to advertise on Twitter.
  • Simon Cozens
    Simon Cozens Posts: 763
    Mad props (or whatever the kids say these days) for including all the non-Latins in the base price.
  • Feels wrong to punish users for their language...
  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited August 2016
    Whoo-hoo! Quinoa made «Text Font of the Month» at MyFonts. :#  (I rather think of it as a display typeface, but I'm not complaining!)

    Thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible!

  • Congratulations, Christian. I think Quinoa would look very good as a text font, especially in a glossy magazine. It gives the text a very uncluttered look.
  • Hmmm... revisiting Quinoa after a long rest, I find the lack of very dark weights rather noticeable. I feel tempted to add a Black master now... :grimace:  (Even though it means redrawing 4000 glyphs...!)
  • How about this approach?

  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited February 2017
    The /e was too wide...

  • The weight and width of /s and /c are a bit unbalanced. Make the /c a bit narrower?
  • Good point, thanks! I originally made the /c so wide because it stuck out as narrow among the other letters, but I changed it back now and like it this way. I also made the /s wider.

  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited February 2017
    I like how the alternate /g forms turn out in the Black:

    Also, for some reason I didn't have a spurless /r to go with the round style. Now I do.

  • That /v/ might be a little light. And I wonder if your overshoot is a touch too much in this weight.
  • In general, or do you mean /r in particular? I can see that that does rise too high. I don't see it otherwise...

    Good point about /v, thanks. 
  • Well the /r/ is what tipped me off but I think it might be a broader issue, looking at "Barleywine" for example. 
  • As it happens, I had reduced the overshoots shortly after posting that «Barleywine» sample, based on some feedback from the forum. Is it better in the current version?

  • I'd rein it in still more.
  • Huh... It looks right to me that way.

    BTW, is this new /ae (middle) better than the old one, even though there's no two-storey /a in the typeface?

  • Overshoots look fine to me. I think the new ae is better, but I'm no expert. It's design could use some finetuning, though, as I'm sure you're aware. Its 'a' looks awkwardly back-slanted.
  • Yep! Better?

  • That structure is better. The crossbar may stay straight a little too long in the "a" section in the two lighter weights, esp. in the regular. 
  • Christian Thalmann
    Christian Thalmann Posts: 1,994
    edited February 2017
    Good point. Better?