FontForge Harmonizer?

Rather than hijack this thread ("Robofont Harmonizer"), I decided to spawn another, albeit highly similar, one. RMX Harmonizer gets an awful lot of praise and its results are fscking fabulous, but it's commercial, expensive and requires some expensive software and hardware to host it. Any options?


  • FontForge is unlikely to see any serious new features added. I hope Adrien Tetar's PyQT + defcon based editor will be published soon. I also think Glyphr Studio has some promise. 
  • Not necessarily in FF, but in one of its scripting languages. (Not that I can get the "Tools" menu to ungray, so I'm probably not the best target audience for this.)

    As for FF, the only feature I think it actually lacks is the ability to always show node positions, and that's purely a preference thing (it's a real drag having to go to the View menu over and over).

  • Dave Crossland
    Dave Crossland Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2015
    Not that I can get the "Tools" menu to ungray

    Please post a gist of your script and I can take a look :) Maybe can help

    the only feature I think it actually lacks is the ability to always show node positions,

    You mean like the node position co-ordinates, like this?

  • Nodes and handles, yes. (The on- and off-curve points; I'm probably misusing the terms.) I can get some of that through Number Points -> Positions, but it doesn't show the positions of the handles, and once you change anything, the position display is lost.

    Anyway, this is just my own preference. I've never found an editor that gives me that kind of info and control (although ISTR the demo of FontLab having it, lo these many years ago), so it's clearly not a feature anybody else finds desirable or relevant.

  • I've never found an editor that gives me that kind of info and control
    As an aside, RoboFont appears to do perfectly fine displaying coordinates of both on- and off-curve points.

  • Cool, cool. Looks like my memories of running the FL demo were correct. But yes, that's exactly what I want.
  • If you want to hire someone to implement this for FontForge, Glyphr or defconqt, I can connect you with reliable developers :)

    I filed and - defconqt's issue tracker isn't public yet.