
Lucas Leo Catalano
Lucas Leo Catalano Posts: 43
edited July 2012 in Type Design Critiques
Hi, hoping to hear what you think.
This is my first typeface and never intended to release it. I've gotten to the point where I learnt as much as I could from making it even if it is not finished, leaving me with the choice of shelving it to start on the next idea or keep at it. What do you think, anything interesting worth pursuing? I'd start from scratch too, anything I should revise or add?
- PDF Regular
- PDF Black
Thanks for your time,


  • I quite like the concept of it. I'd go ahead and finish it, if I were you.
  • Very interesting. I think the black number has to be review a bit. The thickness, on this latter version, seems irregular especially in the 6, 8 and 9. Also, is the spin of the regular /s could be a bit thicker? Is your T should have a serif on one side (see you C,G, S)? Keep going.
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  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    For a first typeface this is very good. But it still looks like a first font. Overall there is a lack of grace that makes it resemble fonts intended for tiny sizes or screen text. The black weight is really a heavy bold and has very uneven color. Figures lack balance, 3 and 4 are top heavy and 6/9 are too narrow. Which fonts that influenced Gaetico is obvious—I see FF Meta, FF Info, Museo, and Rotis all over the place.

    If you really don’t want to keep working on Gaetico then just move on for a while. Design another typeface and come back to this one in six months. It will be a lot easier to decide what to improve if you look at it with fresh eyes.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    My advice: aim high when starting out.

    In this case, I would suggest (as I generally do) that you make a big family.
    It’s one way to get taken seriously, and offers pricing options useful in marketing.
    That means making a hairline and an ultra bold, and interpolating to fill out the weights.
    Also, making the ultra bold is instructive in to getting to know and realize the true nature of your face, the working conditions being so cramped and intimate.

    You might try making the tops of the ascenders flat, that would subsume them into the whole more readily.
  • Lucas Leo Catalano
    Lucas Leo Catalano Posts: 43
    edited July 2012
    Thanks for taking the time to comment,
    I think if that were true, it would be ready for release.
    Fair point.

    Will go ahead and continue, maybe after a month break reading and seeing more of what's out there. I'm mostly afraid that I made something that was either too derivative or eccentric out of novice error. From what everyone has said I get it that starting from scratch with the concept in mind would probably be best to get rid of the errors - with a hairline and an ultrabold.

    I made a quick sketch of a possible stencil too. Awkward cuts?

  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    Awkward cuts?
    Many of the cuts appear arbitrary, with no connection to real stencils or to the letterforms. That might work in a context where you want people to stop and wonder why they look that way, but those letters are not usable otherwise.
  • Thanks Dunwich_Type, ok looks like I have lots to review. Back to drawing.