Checking if webfonts are properly licensed?

Are there any general guidelines to see if webfonts are licensed? I found a company that uses my fonts, and I'm wondering if it's licensed.

If I look at my WOFFs that are being sold on MyFonts, the files from this company's website should be exactly the same filesize, right?


  • If they purchased a webfont license through MyFonts they are usually required to include the license info in their source code. Either in their HTML source or CSS you should see something like this:

     * MyFonts Webfont Build ID 3044249, 2015-06-17T15:34:12-0400
     * The fonts listed in this notice are subject to the End User License
     * Agreement(s) entered into by the website owner. All other parties are 
     * explicitly restricted from using the Licensed Webfonts(s).
     * You may obtain a valid license at the URLs below.
     * Webfont: RomanaBT-Bold by Bitstream
     * Copyright: Copyright 1990-2003 Bitstream Inc. All rights reserved.
     * Licensed pageviews: 1,000,000
     * © 2015 MyFonts Inc

    If they licensed the font from somewhere else this may not be required.

    I think the WOFF files could vary in size depending on how they built their webfont kit.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,003
    Just ask MyFonts if they bought a license.
  • If it’s from Myfonts, you should have the clients name on your reports. Just do a search in your foundry admin.