Re: Brain Sees Words As Pictures
Every time I read about legibility research, this meme comes to mind: Aoccdrnig to rsceearch at Cmarbidge Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aer, the olny ipmoratnt tin…10 -
Re: Fontstore
Congrats Satya for trying this new model and taking those risks. I wish you great luck in your adventure!5 -
Re: Italic stem optical compensation
Read all this, it's pure gold: http://briem.net/2/2.3.1a/ -
Re: Quador – a squarish serif
One of the reasons there are many similarities in patterns may be that the lowercase alphabet is much more standardized than the uppercase alphabet. Once you have you /n then pretty much every other …2 -
Re: [OTVar] hidden axis flag
This is dangerous... automated solutions are not always right and may fail miserably sooner or later. While it may be good for the average user, advanced users needs to be able to control it manuall…3