AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
I made my first AI experiment. I wanted to explore if it was possible to create new alphabets by providing only the Art Direction, while leaving the Execution to the computer. In this particular expe…1 -
Re: Finally decided to properly organize my fonts by category, and I'm having a bit of a hard time.
Yes, of course there are many betters ways, and they are all fabulous! But thats depends of your persona, for example: This was Me, 20 years ago. I was totallly new to fonts: (3 categories was ok for…5 -
Re: Are customers buying or using variable fonts?
I want to add something to my previous post: The fact that "I have no information about how the perform on apps" is actually a GOOD indicator that they work fine in apps too. Because when …2 -
Re: Are customers buying or using variable fonts?
VF's are used more and more on Websites. The main benefit is that they optimize resources (Less KB to load, less request, etc). AFAIK they work reliably on the web. I have no information about how th…3 -
Re: How to determine a perfect/test proofing word ?
Hi Hugo!! Awesome idea. Love it! I have an idea for a new condition in your list: "Kerning" Because some letter pairs have a natural tendency for the need of kerning while others not. (for…2