Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
Experiment 17: AlphabetMagic Characterset Expander Tool - Proof of Concept - This are the very 1st results of a "Proof of Concept" experiment. Just baby steps. New /ɛ for Libre Bodoni Regul…6 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
Experiment 16: New Latin Lowercase Lettershapes This time I wanted to experiment if the AI can create new latin lowercase letters shapes. For this I've super-trained the network (30x more time than u…2 -
Re: Should ascenders/descenders match the "Ascender" and "Descender" vertical metric values?
Before deciding on the metrics its also quite practical to consider room for the diacritics, both top and bottom ones... all in all is better if the don't exceed 20% of you metrics (for example: that…5 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
Oka.... Time for you to run your own experiments! Go to youtube and search: "how to train stable diffusion with your face". Watch and Learn. Now, replace "your face" with "al…1 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
Experiment 15 update: - Today iterations ended at Nro 127, just uploaded. - Glyphs done are: "abcdeghijlmnopqrstu" - I'm happy with /r and /t since they now seems to work without the need f…1