Re: [OTVar] Axes Proposals: variationsguide.typenetwork.com
Peter, I’m going to leave the issues related to axes flags for later, after we finish making, demoing and documenting. Thanks. “…what negative values are supposed to mean.” ...is a darn good question…2 -
Re: Specific diacritic designs depending on language
I've been thinking about it and without doing any formal research decided to add some additional parametric axes a few months ago as we start to think, and design, beyond the axes and the glyphs we'v…4 -
Re: [OTVar] Spacing axis
Nevermind;)2 -
Re: Why FontCreator hardly used by professionals?
"...creates TrueType fonts, which only use quadratic Béziers. Such curves are described by three points: two endpoints on the curve and a single control point off the curve. Remember conic secti…3 -
Re: [OTVar] Changing tracking/HVAR
Laurence: "IUP" in the variations engine means you only need to move a single point on each contour." Yes, there are three instructions svtca, sets the movement to x or y, your glyph v…2