Re: What could be an effective strategy for handling frac/tions in OpenType fonts?
Ray, take a look at the Nutso (and Nutso2) implementations I linked to above. These are able to handle arbitrary combinations of numerators and denominators—up to ten of each, if I recall correctly—w…1 -
Re: What could be an effective strategy for handling frac/tions in OpenType fonts?
@"Nick Shinn" Nutso is is pretty robust, so long as the user doesn’t apply tracking to the results.1 -
Re: What could be an effective strategy for handling frac/tions in OpenType fonts?
Erwin’s advice is good. I would only add that the frac feature should only ever be applied to discrete fraction strings, which is why I don’t think his second method is needed: the frac feature shoul…1 -
Re: Make Semi Bold and Bold fonts
If you are getting either a distorted shape or no glyph in the semibold instance, this indicates that the glyph outlines in your two masters are not compatible. No glyph indicates that FontLab is com…1 -
Re: Finding/tweaking the parameters used to generate a licensed WOFF
WOFF and WOFF2 are quite different webfont formats, so always try to be clear about which you are talking about: WOFF uses a very simple and direct compression of the input font (akin to zipping a fi…1