Re: The I ogonek in sans-serif monospaced typefaces
In a barred I design in a font targeting a European lannguage like Lithuanian, my inclination would be your option 2. This follows a norm for ogonek positioning and ductus in European writing and typ…3 -
Re: Altamira
The lowercase a and t are so distinctive and strongly flavoured that the conventionality of the most other letters, especially the uppercase, seems disappointing. There is a promise in the first imag…5 -
Re: How to make .slf font file?
I think we need to ask whether the competing companies that make machines for cutting and engraving see any benefit in having a common standard. There’s no point in font makers defining a standard if…2 -
Re: Eula for Limited-Exclusive License
Consider also adding a non-automatic renewal of exclusivity option. Typically, this would be something like extending the period for exclusivity for another three years if they a) give you notice of …9 -
Re: Eula for Limited-Exclusive License
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, and you should have your EULA looked at by one. A typical EULA includes a statement that the agreement is non-exclusive, so you want to find that part of the agreement …2