Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
Of course, no prediction of the future can be “true”, but don’t you think that there is a strong likelihood that the warnings of Aza and Tristan about what could go wrong due to AI, will go wrong? Ha…3 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
I won’t be using AI, for ethical reasons. This presentation from the Center for Human Technology explains why.3 -
Re: Checking legibility of glyph
How can one assess the merit of a glyph in isolation from the text in which it will appear? In my opinion, the lines to the left and right of the letter “a” that occupies the centre of @ are very imp…6 -
Re: Small Capitals
Another use (sort of) for petite caps: They can help build a unicase feature, or for making wordmarks that have something of that quality. I made the small caps of the Display cut of Scotch Modern at…3 -
Re: Small Capitals
A small-to-petite cap axis in a variable font would be a useful idea. Sometimes, typographers need small caps for a mixed-case setting (U&lc), sometimes for all-small-caps, sometimes for caps-wit…2