Re: Proper way of designing the “@” symbol
The at symbol is mainly used within lowercase, so it should be designed to look good in this context. Quite a few fonts have an alternate for all-caps settings. Aktiv Grotesk is one of them, see the …2 -
Re: Naming font styles in various languages
As long as it is about clearly defined terms such as small caps, this can be useful. For more ambiguous things such as weights, I’m skeptical. Font makers can’t agree whether Thin is lighter than Ext…3 -
Re: This is not good
But it was quite cool when it was new, no? See L’écrivain (“The Writer”), one of the four automata by Pierre Jaquet-Droz, created in 1774. https://youtu.be/bY_wfKVjuJM https://youtu.be/ux2KW20nqHU1 -
Re: What is your standard Latin character set?
Also keep in mind that Vietnamese is not restricted to Vietnam (This goes for all languages, to various degrees.) According to this source based on the US Census, there were almost 1.5 million Vietna…10 -
Re: Options for new type designers?
No. “We pay you 50% of what the customer pays.” — MyFonts It used to be 65% several years ago, though, see this thread on Typophile.1