Re: PS or TT? (aka cubic vs quadratic Bézier curves, or *.otf vs *.ttf)
Just to clarify, an “OTF file with TT curves” is literally the same thing as… a TTF file. Just with a different file extension. So the advice is: generate a TTF file. Technically, renaming it to OTF …1 -
Re: Pricing a custom typeface family (3 styles) with a free for personal use licence
When you say “with a free for personal use license” I assume that means the license they will use to make it available to others. Correct? If the person commissioning it has all rights, then same as …2 -
Re: What are the most-viewed fonts in the world?
Certainly those are going to be among the higher ones. However, you seem to have left off Calibri, which as the default font in documents produced by Microsoft Office apps from 2007–24 would seem to …4 -
Re: Linocomp II output
Although phototypesetting did not get really big until the 1950s, the first phototypesetter came out in 1924, from Morisawa.1 -
Re: Critique request: Clearly
Agree, could look to the tops of /s and /r for an approach to the /a terminal Also seems like the bottom of /a has a tad too much overshoot.1