Re: Ring and acute over an A
I suspect that the Aringacute/aringacute crept into so many extended Latin character sets because Microsoft chose to include it in their WGL4 character set, which many folks subsequently followed bli…6 -
Re: Apostrophe kerning by contextual lookup table
The apostrophe should be fitted (i.e., sidebearings) to look appropriate between two straight-sided letters. Then, kern pair exceptions should be added to make it look appropriate in relation to othe…5 -
Re: The differnce between rlig and liga
The distinguishing characteristic is that {rlig} is supposed to be non-turn-offable.{liga} = recommended on by default, but can be deactivated in UI {rlig} = recommended on by default, and should not…3 -
Re: Gerard Unger, 1942-2018
That is shocking news. I’m not on Twitter, so I don’t always hear such things in a timely fashion. Thanks for posting.He will be missed.1 -
Re: Sans Forgettica - can 'Desirable Difficulty' really aid memory?
But a typeface that forces people to just skip a text, rather than actually sit down and read through it, is not such a useful tool. Presenting obstacles is not always the same thing as activating de…3