Re: The Serif: An attempt at deciphering its etymology
The words "type" and "font" have other meanings in English as well. French isn't an outlier with "police", just different than English. FWIW, "sheriff" is rela…1 -
Re: Question about ITC Neon - possible revival?
You might want to contact House Industries. They own the rights to the Photo-Lettering alphabet library, which is where ITC Neon originated. ITC may not be interested (it doesn't really exist anymore…6 -
Re: Question about ITC Neon - possible revival?
An interesting thing about ITC Neon is that it is basically (cleverly) derived from Prisma, a Klingspor face that in turn was derived from Rudolph Koch's Kabel.6 -
Re: Origins and ancestors of "My Happy 70s" by Jan-Henrik Arnold
You could try typography.guru . They do font ID there. FWIW, often with logos, especially older logos, it's not a font but a custom design, drawn from scratch, possibly influenced or based on one or …3 -
Re: How many type designers in the world?
@"Igor Petrovic" If you go to a member profile, it's in the URL.2