Check out "Making Accented Glyphs", the first in an occasional series of online "recipes" from Apple Computer designed to walk you step by step through some of the technical procedures in designing and editing fonts.

The following font tools from Apple Computer can be downloaded from here free of charge. The most recent versions of each tool will be posted here. Please check back on a regular basis for the most up-to-date revisions. All tools are Fat (both 68k and PPC) unless otherwise specified.

Before downloading any tools, you will be presented with a software license agreement which you'll be asked to read and agree to.


Automatically strips all instructions from a font.
Current version is 1.0 (52k), posted 4 September 1997.
The DumpCMAP tool allows you to dump the contents of a font's 'cmap' table into a text file, which you can then edit. The edited file can subsequently be used as input to the FuseCMAP tool.
Current version is 1.0 (59k), posted 4 September 1997.
The DumpPOST tool allows you to dump the set of names defined in a font's 'post' table into a text file, which you can then edit. The edited file can subsequently be used as input to the GXifier.
Current version is 1.0 (42k), posted 4 September 1997.
fbit Enabler
Converts 'fbit' bitmap data to 'sbit's, and embeds the data into an 'sfnt'. Primarily used for two-byte (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) fonts.
Current version is CT1.1.1 (110k), posted 14 January 1997.
Fissioner automatically generates ("fissions") bitmaps from an outline font. It can be used in conjunction with Fuser, or can generate new bitmap fonts on its own.
Current version is 1.0 (142k), posted 4 September 1997.
Apple's automatic font functional testing tool. It will automatically check all instructions and tables in a font.
Current version is 1.5a (~300k), posted 9 September 1997.
The FuseCMAP tool allows you to replace one of the mapping tables in a font's 'cmap' table with new contents, which you specify via a text file. To create this text file, you can use the DumpCMAP tool.
Current version is 1.0 (62k), posted 4 September 1997.
Fuser generates outline fonts from bitmaps, "fusing" the bitmaps into an 'sfnt' as 'sbit's. The designer has the option of editing the bitmaps prior to fusing if desired, using any standard bitmap editing tool. Can be used in conjunction with Fissioner.
Current version is 1.0 (101k), posted 4 September 1997.
An aesthetic test tool that allows the designer to quickly generate waterfalls and metrics comparisons between fonts. The tool also provides glyph repertoire lists.
Current version is 2.2b (430k), posted 19 September 1997.
Automatically adds all the additional glyphs and tables necessary to make a font GX-savvy. Stand-alone version.
Current versions are 1.3b2 (1157k), posted 23 March 1998.
Merger is a tool which allows you to create new fonts by selecting ranges of glyphs from existing fonts and putting them together. It works even on fonts built to different em-squares, and it works on large CJK and Unicode fonts as well as any other TrueType font.
Current version is 1.0d3 (116k), posted 22 August 1997.
Allows the designer to create, modify and edit GX Variations fonts and associated tables.
Current versions are 1.01 (176k), posted 14 January 1997,
and 2.0d (910k), posted 19 September 1997.
Apple's outline editing tool. The designer can use it to add or modify outlines, instructions, etc.
Current versions are:
RoyalT v3.1.1 (68k only) (575k), posted 14 January 1997.
RoyalT v3.2d4 (PPC only) (1485k), posted 28 October 1997.
Slider  is used on a GXified font (a font processed by the GXifier) to fine-tune the positions of accents in compound glyphs.
Current version is 1.1 (350k), posted 9 September 1997.
A generic TrueType tables editor.
Current version is 2.1d3 (1,000k), posted 11 July 1997.
Copyright©1997 by Apple Computer, Inc.
Updated 2/5/98