The Zanerian Manual of Alphabets and Engrossing

An Instructor in Roundhand, Lettering, Engrossing, Designing, Pen and Brush Art, Etc.

The Zanerian Manual boasts work from twenty-six of America’s finest penmen of the early 20th century. This influential manual paints a comprehensive picture of Engrossing as a profession in the early 1900s. From guiding one’s first strokes in Engrosser’s Script to presenting full explanations and diagrams on how to lay out certificates and resolutions, this text is packed with artistry from the first page to the last.

Terms of Responsibility

While this book is now within the public domain, it is the product of a lifetime of study dedicated to the various styles of penwork presented. It is our privilege to have such samples to study, and the materials within should be used respectfully.