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The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

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By Nathan Willis
May 31, 2013

The SIL Open Font License (OFL) is the dominant software license in the open font community, for a variety of reasons—including the fact that it was written specifically to meet the needs of type designers, as opposed to being an adaptation of another license. But one of its most controversial clauses has long been the Reserved Font Name (RFN) clause, an option that allows the licensor to require any derivatives of the licensed font be renamed. To some, RFNs are an essential tool necessary to cope with the peculiarities of digital fonts, but to others, they are a non-free relic that causes multiple practical problems. Recently, the OFL's authors asked for comments on an update to the official license FAQ, which spawned the latest debate on whether RFNs are ultimately beneficial or harmful in the context of free software, and, if they are harmful, how best to resolve the problem.

The OFL was written by Nicolas Spalinger and Victor Gaultney at SIL International, and specifically attempts to adhere to the Free Software Foundation (FSF)'s definition of free software, the Open Source Definition (OSD), and the Debian Free Software Guidelines. In general, it grants the licensee the right to use, copy, modify, and redistribute the licensed font, with the expected requirements on preserving the copyright notice and not changing the license terms when redistributing.

But it does contain some clauses that are atypical among free software licenses. For one, it requires that the font not be sold as a standalone offering. The FSF highlights this as "unusual", but harmless, since even the inclusion of a simple "Hello world" script satisfies the requirement. The RFN requirement is more strict, requiring a new name to be assigned for any modification, not just for formal or ongoing forks:

3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as presented to the users.

Any RFNs claimed by the designer must be specified as such in the copyright statement placed at the beginning of the license. SIL's FAQ goes into additional detail about RFNs, noting that transforming the font into a different format normally does constitute creating a modified version, and that giving a modified version a name that incorporates the RFN (such as Foo Sans or Foo Remade, in reference to an RFN Foo) is not permitted. It even notes that rebuilding the font from source counts as creating a modified version (thus triggering the need for a rename) if the rebuild produces a final version that is not identical to the font as released by the designer.

Nevertheless, a type designer is not required to specify any RFNs when releasing a font under the OFL. SIL encourages type designers to use RFNs, however, citing four reasons in a paper entitled "Web Fonts and Reserved Font Names." First, the paper says, RFNs help to avoid confusing name collisions when a user has both the original and a modified version of a font installed (particularly in application "Font" menus, which offer limited space for displaying font names). Second, they help "protect" the designer from dilution concerns—i.e., broken or inferior derivatives of the font being presented to users with the same name. The third reason is a corollary; sparing the designer of the original font from responding to support requests that actually stem from bugs in a modified version. Finally, an RFN requirement "encourages derivatives" by forcing modifiers to consciously choose a new, distinct name for their derivative fonts.

This paper is a draft, currently posted for public comment. Gaultney emailed the Open Font Library mailing list in May to ask for feedback on the paper, and on a new revision to the OFL FAQ, which adds new questions about deploying OFL fonts in mobile or embedded devices and about bundling OFL fonts in web templates.


The historical justification for the RFN clause is that the font name is one of type designers' few ways to distinguish their work from that of the competition (after all, however much metadata may exist in the actual file, an application's "Font" menu still presents the name alone). Requiring derivative works to use a different name is not unheard of in free software (the OSD permits it), but it is rare; as Khaled Hosny pointed out, the LaTeX license also requires renaming. But some in the open font world say that the RFN clause poses an unreasonable burden in practice, especially when seen in light of HTTP-delivered web fonts.

After all, the clause requires explicit written permission from the original designer in order to release a modification that reuses the RFN, and the designer may be difficult or impossible to contact (e.g., a designer who has subsequently passed away). Moreover, the standard for what constitutes a modified version of a font is extremely low; as SIL's draft paper explains in detail, even common practices like subsetting (stripping out unused characters) or optimizing the font for delivery are considered modifications. This standard is certainly lower than the clauses found in most other free software licenses; it is hard to imagine any license requirement being triggered by rebuilding the software from source.

In fact, since optimizing a font for delivery in a web page is considered creating a modified version, then every web server that hosts an OFL font with RFNs must rename its copy of the font or else get prior written permission from the original designer to serve it as-is. Neither choice is particularly appealing; as Dave Crossland said in the thread "it's unreasonable to expect every person publishing a blog who makes their own subset to contact every copyright holder every time they want to use a new OFL-RFN web font." For a popular font, that could quickly add up to tens of thousands of requests. Alternatively, those tens of thousands of servers will deliver the font under a score of other names, and that might not hurt the designer's reputation, but it does little to improve it.

Plan B

To some open font designers, specifying an RFN simply is not worth it, and they attach no RFNs to their fonts. Barry Schwartz argued that it is too much trouble, and the benefits too small; the majority of the free software world managed to cope with the potential of name collisions and misdirected support requests just fine:

It makes the OFL look complicated and frightening, which is the opposite of what should be the goal. Plus, if someone intends to give a font a different name, they don’t need to be told to do it; and, if they do not intend to, they are not going to corrupt society to the core. The worst that will happen is you’ll have to be careful where you got the font.

The rest of the software community has managed to get along for decades without having everyone give their version of ‘ls’ a different name. It creates problems, big ones, but the alternative is worse.

But other designers are interested in maintaining the "brand" established by their OFL fonts. Without assigning an RFN, the question remains whether such brand protection is possible. In the email cited above, Crossland advocated using trademarks to protect font names. Trademarks offer similar protections of the font name, and it is a common practice in free software to publish trademark usage guidelines that spell out acceptable uses without requiring prior permission. He pointed to the Subversion project's guidelines, although there are plenty of examples.

Of course, a trademark approach has its problems. How trademarks work varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction (and may even involve registration fees). Is it also common for a trademark infringement claim to be weakened or denied if the trademark holder demonstrably allows other infringement. Vernon Adams proposed an alternative solution; writing a "preemptive permission" statement to accompany the OFL, which grants permission to modify an RFN font in specific ways—in particular, an "engineering exception" listing the common modifications made when deploying a web font.

Crossland replied that SIL is unlikely to compose such a boilerplate exception, since it would dilute the OFL. Gaultney concurred, adding that writing such an exception would also involve "the basic conceptual difficulty of defining and evaluating what changes would be allowed." Adams, however, disagreed about the notion of diluting the OFL:

Surely it would not be 'diluting' the OFL to reshape it to bring more clarity to the licensing of this whole 'minor modification' space that webfont services are opening up? IMO the OFL needs to be ever so slightly tweaked, but only to better protect the freedom of OFL'd fonts. That's not a dilution, that's a re-concentration.

On the other hand, expecting designers to rely on an external triggers such as 'trademarks' to plug this issue, does seem to dilute the license.

It could be a while before there is any resolution to the debate over RFNs. SIL has certainly not expressed an interest in revising the license, which it sees as meeting the desired goals. Both an RFN "engineering exception" permission grant and a trademark usage policy would require careful thinking and writing before deployment. Expecting each type designer to write their own policy is unlikely to bear fruit, but as this debate illustrates, the open font community clearly has many more issues to discuss before it could produce any general consensus on a suite of options. In the meantime, the rest of the free software community might find the discussion informative; as we saw in XBMC's case, trademarks and name collisions can affect software of any stripe.

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The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted May 31, 2013 4:53 UTC (Fri) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Renaming the font serves to draw attention away from the original developer. It bothers me that the Vera fonts, generously donated by Bitstream years ago, are called DejaVu fonts on most distros -- I see the reason it was necessary (more characters and styles, expanded Unicode coverage) and presumably Bitstream is OK with it, but a relatively unknown font developer considering RFN should keep this in mind, and, perhaps, demand renaming only for sufficiently significant modifications, or he/she may end up losing credit completely.

(Even earlier, weren't the free URW versions of the Postscript Type 1 fonts renamed, I believe for trademark reasons -- Palatino became Palladio, Helvetica became Nimbus Sans, etc? So this is not new. But in practice they are called by the better-known names.)

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted May 31, 2013 15:30 UTC (Fri) by n8willis (subscriber, #43041) [Link]

Bitstream actually requires the renaming; the license on the fonts (which is unique to the project) in some ways was a predecessor to the OFL RFN clause in that regard. It's also important to DejaVu that Bitstream was not really interested in accepting the contributions of outside designers.

Also interesting to note is that Vera itself was adapted (by Bitstream) from an earlier proprietary Bitstream font family, so "Vera" itself is a rename.


The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted May 31, 2013 15:37 UTC (Fri) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Yes, I know Bitstream required it, hence my comment. They presumably knew what it meant but were ok with it, but new font developers may not get it.

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted May 31, 2013 10:13 UTC (Fri) by jschrod (subscriber, #1646) [Link]

Two notes:

1) Historically, the first need-to-rename-on-modification clause was introduced by TeX, the program:

If this program is changed, the resulting system should not be called `\TeX'; the official name `\TeX' by itself is reserved for software systems that are fully compatible with each other. A special test suite called the ``\.{TRIP} test'' is available for helping to determine whether a particular implementation deserves to be known as `\TeX' [cf.~Stanford Computer Science report CS1027, November 1984].

2) One could assume that the analog clause in the LaTeX license was triggered by that role model. But that's not the case. Renaming class and style files is demanded because they are part of the API and the API shall remain stable. (Linux users should know this approach, users of some prominent desktop environments less so. ;-)) This is not the case with TeX, the program.

Style and class file names are used in documents and many documents live for a long time. I still have documents from 1982 that I can process with TeX without any change. When we created the LaTeX license, we wanted to uphold this goal of document longevity.

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted May 31, 2013 15:39 UTC (Fri) by n8willis (subscriber, #43041) [Link]

I feel pretty confident that Khaled was clear on that history, although he didn't go into it in his email (i.e., I think he was just saying LaTeX followed TeX's lead there); but thanks for providing the details. I decided to sidestep the TeX renaming issue because of the peculiarities of TeX's licensing situation/history.

The API-preservation issue is one that probably doesn't affect font projects, although after reading your message, I think maybe font name wrinkles might cause problems for web font services, and that might be similar. Google Web Fonts started introducing some naming rules to account for fonts that exist only in italic style (mostly script fonts), but were not _named_ "Foo Italic." Once users start depending on the name for their API calls, changing it is indeed a big problem.

Not that that's the same thing as the TeX issue; it just got me thinking on a tangent....


The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Jun 1, 2013 17:40 UTC (Sat) by vmpn (subscriber, #55435) [Link]

Unless I am overlooking something there seems to be a flaw in using copyright to enforce RFN name. Anyone can build any named font as long as it is not a derivative work.

E.g. I take font FA name. Then implement FA as a derivation based on font FB or from scratch. Thus one never accepted restrictions on name FA.

Trademarks seem far more appropriate even if trickier. Just because you use copyright instead of trademark does not make complexity go away, just end up with a different set of them.

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Jun 2, 2013 13:05 UTC (Sun) by tfheen (subscriber, #17598) [Link]

The renaming clause also exists for PHP:

3. The name "PHP" must not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without prior written permission. For
written permission, please contact group@php.net.

The older Apache Software License (v1.1) also included something similar:

* 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
* not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without prior written permission. For written
* permission, please contact apache@apache.org.

This is also explicitly allowed in DFSG §4:

[...] The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original software. [...]

So while renaming can be annoying and all, I would not slap the non-free label on it.

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Jun 3, 2013 21:55 UTC (Mon) by n8willis (subscriber, #43041) [Link]

Again, it's different to require renaming when forking a project and to require renaming simply to deliver the work to the user (which is the essence of the webfont service trouble). E.g., you're not required to rename the Apache binary on your server simply because you recompiled it with different options.


The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Jun 3, 2013 10:00 UTC (Mon) by NRArnot (subscriber, #3033) [Link]

Doesn't open-source already voluntarily do something very similar? Version numbers. The foo developers don't ship one nd only one true foo. They ship foo-0.1, -0.2, -1.0, ... quite often with minor release numbers as well, -1.0_nnn say. If you take the source and patch it to better meet your requirements, you are being extremely rude if you don't change the version so that it can't be confused with an official release (and then you may work on the upstream developers to try to get them to merge your mods into a subsequent official release, so you don't have to maintain a fork in perpetuity.

So is it really bad to require a rename? Just as long as the rename is allowed to make clear the ancestry rather than hide it. XYZ_Sans_1.0 -> XYZ_Sans_1.1 (by original designer) -> XYZ_Sans_1.1-ABCpatch1 (modified slightly by ABC, who doesn't wish to suggest it's anything other than a trivial redesign of a couple of glyphs in XYZ's work).

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Jun 3, 2013 21:59 UTC (Mon) by n8willis (subscriber, #43041) [Link]

The RFN clause requires that you not use XYZ_Sans at all in your renamed version. As with the other concerns, it's not that anyone thinks the concept of renaming is bad, it's the specifics of how it is written into the OFL 1.1.

And, of course, since RFNs are optional, naturally many people as themselves if they can achieve the desired outcome (useful renaming) through other means. If RFNs were mandatory, that wouldn't even be possible.


The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Aug 13, 2013 8:25 UTC (Tue) by CFynn (guest, #92328) [Link]

Preventing collisions is important. Most applications identify fonts only by their names. They have no ability to identify or use multiple versions of a font with the same name.

Tiny modifications to the spacing, kerning, or any of the vertical metrics of a font will cause documents to re-flow and cause things like page number references get messed up. Illustrations may end up in the wrong places, and so on.

Also suppose there a font supporting multiple scripts (e.g. Roman, Cyrillic and Greek)- then someone makes a derived version eliminating one of those scripts because they don't need it and want to save space - but they keep the same font name for the new version. Then you have a newer version floating around with less utility that the first. Since you cannot install two fonts with the same name, a document created with the earlier version may no longer show a whole range of characters if the newer version is installed.

As long as there is no other way for applications to identify fonts, use of the same name in different versions and derivatives needs to be carefully controlled. The only practical way of doing that is to leave font names in the control of the font developer who first used it.

The Open Font License and Reserved Font Names

Posted Aug 13, 2013 11:19 UTC (Tue) by micka (subscriber, #38720) [Link]

Is that different of forking a library while keeping the same name, then
- changing functions to do something different from what is expected or
- adding or removing methods ?

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