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⚠️🌋 Disclaimer: this library is alpha-quality; the API is subject to change 🌋⚠️


Hello and welcome to coldtype, an odd little library for programmatic typography, written for use on Goodhertz projects and text animations.

For installation and tutorials, check out

Here’s a quick example:

from coldtype import *

@renderable((1580, 350))
def render(r):
    c1 = hsl(0.65, 0.7)
    c2 = hsl(0.53, 0.6)

    return P(
            .f(Gradient.H(r, c2.lighter(0.3), c1.lighter(0.3))),
            Font.ColdtypeObviously(), 250
                , wdth=1
                , tu=-170
                , r=1
                , rotate=15)
            .f(Gradient.H(r, c1, c2))
            .understroke(s=1, sw=5)
            .translate(0, 5))

Running that code results in this image popping up on your screen in a dedicated window:

An example


Check out for instructions on installing and getting started with coldtype.

More Examples

The best way to get familiar with Coldtype is to look at and try modifying some example code, like the animating gif below. To try out this example and many more, check out the examples/animation directory in this repo.


To get a development environment for Coldtype:

python3.9 -m venv venv --prompt=coldtype
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[viewer]