macOS Installation Guide

You’ll need Python 3.8 (or newer) to run Font Bakery. Install the python formula with the Homebrew package manager using the instructions below.


Install macOS developer tools and the Homebrew package manager:

xcode-select --install ;
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Homebrew Python 3:

brew install python

Use pip3 to install fontbakery:

pip3 install fontbakery


If you already installed a previous version of Font Bakery, upgrade to a newer version with:

pip3 install --upgrade fontbakery

Additional Dependencies

The following are optional dependencies that you can install to extend the functionality of Font Bakery. Please note that some tests will not be executed if these optional dependencies are not present on your system.

Microsoft Font Validator

Font Validator has useful tests for a font’s glyf table. We use Hintak’s fork.

  • download the latest release for your OS.

  • unzip it

  • Change the unzipped binary’s permissions, chmod 755 FontValidator

  • Move the binary to your bin folder, mv /path/to/unzipped/FontValidator /usr/local/bin/FontValidator