60 ptTotentanz Slanted
60 ptTotentanz Backslanted
60 ptTotentanz Regular
Published in 2016
All Print, Web, App, ePub use included.
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About Totentanz
3 styles
Designed by Bureau Brut in 2015
Published in 2017
Inspired by the structure to the Didot models, the Totentanz type family steers away from the sources by offering a sturdy roman and an italic which is constructed rather than calligraphic. Its inspiration comes from lapidary inscriptions encountered in Parisian graveyards and catacombs. The Slanted and Backslanted versions are an experiment on how to construct an italic by sliding, shifting and crossing the stems, thus eventually creating a whole new typographical matter. In text setting, it creates a distinctive, sparkling effect appears which provides an excellent contrast with the roman. On the other had, using Totentanz at display sizes also offers original, powerful graphic shapes.
Distinctive features
🡦 Regular
🡦 Backslanted
🡦 Slanted
🡦 Regular + Backlanted
of dazzling whiteness,
marked the passage
of the animal.
🡦 Regular + Slanted
that it belonged to
the vertebrate branch,
class mammalia
🡦 Regular + Backlanted
A cry of fury broke from everyone! At noon we were no further advanced than at eight o’clock in the morning. The captain then decided to take more direct means. “Ah!” said he, “that animal goes quicker than the Abraham Lincoln. Very well! we will see whether it will escape these conical bullets. Send your men to the forecastle, sir.” The forecastle gun was immediately loaded and slewed round. But the shot passed some feet above the cetacean, which was half a mile off. “Another, more to the right,” cried the commander, “and five dollars to whoever An old gunner with a grey beard—that I can see now—with steady eye and grave face, went up to the gun and took a long aim. A loud report was heard, with which were mingled the cheers of the crew. The bullet did its work; it hit the animal, and, sliding off the rounded surface, was lost in two miles depth of sea.
🡦 Regular + Slanted
A cry of fury broke from everyone! At noon we were no further advanced than at eight o’clock in the morning. The captain then decided to take more direct means. “Ah!” said he, “that animal goes quicker than the Abraham Lincoln. Very well! we will see whether it will escape these conical bullets. Send your men to the forecastle, sir.” The forecastle gun was immediately loaded and slewed round. But the shot passed some feet above the cetacean, which was half a mile off. “Another, more to the right,” cried the commander, “and five dollars to whoever An old gunner with a grey beard—that I can see now—with steady eye and grave face, went up to the gun and took a long aim. A loud report was heard, with which were mingled the cheers of the crew. The bullet did its work; it hit the animal, and, sliding off the rounded surface, was lost in two miles depth of sea.
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