Wen Quan Yi (Spring of Letters)

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WenQuanYi: May the font be with you!,About us
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WenQuanYi Micro Hei does not contain the following characters, you can help us to add. Click to draw:
(You need Firefox or Chrome, read tutorial 1 and tutorial 2)
WenQuanYi Zen Heidoes not contain the following characters, you can help us to add. Click to draw:
(You need Firefox or Chrome, read tutorial 1, tutorial 2)

WenQuanYi Zen Hei v0.8 (Pangu) Released

Pangu, a giant in the ancient Chinese legends, was born when the universe was still in its infancy. There were no sky and land. The entire universe was enclosed by an enormous egg-shell. Chaos and darkness filled the entire cosmic Egg. Pangu woke up with his born-to-have axe. He was irritated by the heat, darkness and the cloudiness. He swinged his axe toward the egg-shell. Kah..., the giant shell cracked! the lighter materials floated up and became the sky; the heavier materials sank down and became the land. Pangu was afraid to see the chaos and darkness coming back, so, he stood in between the sky and land and pushed them further apart. Every day, he grew by ten feet, so was the distance between the sky and land. Many many years passed, Pangu's body became the mountains, his blood became the rivers, his hairs became the trees and grass. People honored him by passing his story from generation to generation.

WenQuanYi Micro Hei: a new Sans Serif CJK font derived from Google "Droid Sans Fallback", now covers the entire GBK code points (20932 Han glyphs), the project continues with CJK Extension A characters, which is 80% complete. (To participage, you need Firefox 3.x, check out Demo 1 & Demo 2 first)

[WqyBmpEN:Unicode_Chart_EN »Create a bitmap glyph]

[WqyBmpEN:Canvas(en) »Create a vector glyph]DemoAdvanced



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