Looking for recommendations on donating a library of type related books

James Montalbano
James Montalbano Posts: 109
edited February 12 in Resources
I have a large library of this stuff, accumulated over 30+ years and I am looking to donate it somewhere. I no longer need it and haven't looked at any of it for years. Any advice is appreciated.


  • James, you might know I’m on the Letterform Archive board. Stephen Coles is part of its leadership, and can probably say with confidence whether it’s of interest to them. My guess is it’s not – solely because they’re likely to have it already.

    Having said that, I’ll bet your collection is a very good one! Maybe Stewf is interested in knowing more, or maybe there’s a better recipient, closer to you, that would welcome all of it with fewer reservations.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    edited February 13
    Does this include Fry’s Pantographia
    Perhaps I misremembered, but am under the impression you once mentioned you have a copy.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    Just adding to what John and Christopher said, we do always want to see what you have to offer. Our reference library is pretty comprehensive now, but there are always holes to fill. We will also indeed take some duplicate copies to sell, so I think it’s a nice way to find good homes for some of your books while also supporting the preservation and access to the others. :smile: Send me a list, or even just shelfie photos of spines.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    Contact Lubalin Center to see if they can use any of it. They can probably come to your house and go through it. Fordham also might also be able to put some of it into their collection, I’ve sent you Abby’s email address.
  • Thank you all for your suggestions. I've found a local High school that is interested.
  • @Nick Shinn I do not own the Fry