Creative Fabrica - AI Font Generator

Creative Fabrica just released the AI Font Generator, is there anyone know something about this? from what i know, type design industry copyright system is very strict so how this will be work?


  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    If you don't have an account and don't want to make one to check it out, here's what it is: the tool starts you off with 5000 credits. You hit the generate button and it generates a font. There's no prompt, so you don't know what you're going to get. As it's generating, you can watch the text output as it runs. After the font is generated, it shows you a sample in 3 sizes and displays the glyph set. It includes English alphanumerics in caps and lowercase, minimal punctuation and seemingly no accents. If you reject the font, you get 1000 credits back. There's also an option to regenerate a font if you like to see if you get better results. It seems like you can generate and download 5 fonts before you need to refresh credits, but I'm not sure how that works. Examples:

  • Spacing is hard.