The Evolution of Font Weight Terminology: A Historical Question

Ray Larabie
Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
edited October 2024 in Type Design Software
I've been reorganizing the weight hierarchy in my older typefaces and noticed something puzzling: the historical placement of weight names, particularly “Book,” seems different from modern conventions. This got me wondering about how our current weight naming system evolved.

My experience with digital font weights began in 2000 when I started using FontLab.

(image from the menu in FontLab Studio 5)

Back then, I organized my weights below Regular in a way that now seems outdated: I placed Book as the heaviest of the light weights, followed by Light, then Extra-Light, and finally Ultra-Light at the thinnest end of the spectrum.

Today, I understand this hierarchy was incorrect. What I once called Book is now typically labeled as Light, my old Light weight has become Extra-Light, what was Extra-Light is now known as Thin, and my Ultra-Light weight is now Hairline. This new organization makes more sense for menu sorting, but the PANOSE weight settings still reflect the older, more confusing system. But it's even worse, with Thin hanging out between Book and Light. And why Extra and Very? Pick one!

(image from the menu in FontLab Studio 5)

What I'd like to understand is how this confusing weight hierarchy developed in the first place. Was there a logical rationale behind the original weight ordering? It's particularly surprising that font design applications would implement a non-standard weight hierarchy, given that their developers presumably had access to typographic expertise. While I can understand potential oversights in the PANOSE table development as they were likely software engineers with less typographical background, the broader adoption of this system in professional type design software is more puzzling.

Does anyone have historical insight into how these weight naming conventions evolved?

Did other type design applications follow similar hierarchies?

Are we finally all in sync?


  • The TrueType/OpenType specification and its usWeightClass field started driving this in the  90s.

    So what FontLab offers as defaults is taken straight from there, with a couple of additions that are taken as synonyms for existing values.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    A short essay I wrote about “book” weight, at Quora (before that site lost the plot).
  • Tangential to this: many Scangraphic designs come in both “Book” and “Headline” versions, typically suffixed SB and SH respectively, where the same exact outlines have different sidebearings and kerning. I’d not be surprised if other foundries around that time had done something similar.
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 974
    Ha, I don’t think I ever knew what the SB and SH stood for.
  • Similar to what John said about the specifications for weight, can also be considered for width names

    The initial Encode Sans release used "compressed" "narrow" and "wide" names, but we ended up renaming those to match the usWidthClass too.

  • John Savard
    John Savard Posts: 1,151
    And here I thought that the "Book" version of a typeface was simply another closely related typeface. Thus, Aldus could have been called Palatino Book, as indeed I once read that Hermann Zapf himself intended.